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If a guy were to come down there tomorrow the 21st is there going to plenty of wade fishing going on or they going to run generators all day like they have been the last couple days. I was planning on comeing down and fishing wed and thurs but if generators are running theres no since in makeing the long drive.

another thing does anyone know where to get wind forcast for wed and thurs


If a guy were to come down there tomorrow the 21st is there going to plenty of wade fishing going on or they going to run generators all day like they have been the last couple days. I was planning on comeing down and fishing wed and thurs but if generators are running theres no since in makeing the long drive.

another thing does anyone know where to get wind forcast for wed and thurs

The schedule is showing generation all day for Wed. the 21st.


Can a person wade fish with two units above outlet 1 or anywhere else on the upper section


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If you pick your spots carefully, there is some wading available...But not a lot...And be careful!!!

Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to

watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly

know everything there is to be known.

--Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne


There is some slack water around outlet 3 that is wadable in two units. I have pulled a couple of nice browns out of that area during heavy generation. One unit is great for wading most of the upper section but it looks like they will be running one and a half most of the day.



It seems to me that I was not ment to go fishing at all down there. I have just canceled my 5th trip down there this yr. I finaly get the green light from the wife and they decide to run water the whole time. I might as well sell off all my stuff.


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Does anyone know why they generate? Is there a reason like colder outside so need more electricity for heat? Or coal plants not running or ??

I would think there is a pattern here that could at least have some reasoning to it.

Also, when they say 4 units on the call in line, is that 4 full as I went down there and there were wadeable sections at the time. The bank was wet way up high so I could see they did run a lot of water early.

What flies are good now?

Does anyone know why they generate?

There’s far more knowledgeable people on this board then me but I’ll give my .02.

They run water to generate electricity and sell it… simple as that. If they have the water to run they will… how much is a crap shoot as far as planning a trip. We use to fish Taney 15 or so years ago and it always seemed we would catch it when generation was moderate… or near perfect for fishing. The few trips I’ve made over the last 5 years or so it always seems like they are just cranking water non stop. Obviously it has a lot to do with rain and lake water levels but I’m with you… it’s frustrating none the less when you drive hours to get there. Having said that… I’ll be down with a group in about a month and am really looking forward to it. Hoping for good water and weather.


Renting a boat can be a nice back up plan if you can’t wade fish… I’ve had some good fishing with a fly rod from a boat. If getting the time and go ahead to fish is a challenge… take advantage of when you do!


I just called the TR generation hotline and they claim 0 units from 12 midnight to 12 midnight. On another thread someone said generation all day. Is there somewhere else that has the generation prjections? I looked at the link Phil put up the other night and couldnt find the projected units just what they have been running. Am I over looking something or just reading the graphs worng?


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