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Indiana Trout

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Everything posted by Indiana Trout

  1. Ain't that the truth...
  2. Just got back. My suggestion is to try to find some "slack" water where the current isn't as strong and get deep. I didn't have a whole lot of success, myself. But the ones I did catch were strong fighting!
  3. I used one to land a 19" bow before I "knew better" because that's what I had...Attached to an 8 foot H&I glass rod!
  4. When I fish a tandem, it's almost always 5x to 6x.
  5. I use it as a dropper. In high water, I use a "big" beadhead to get the SJ worm down.
  6. My wife uses her 3wt. She landed a 16" bow with no issues.
  7. So is there any wadeable water left down by the ramp or is it a giant scour hole now?
  8. The question is, what threat do these genetically engineered fish pose to YOU?
  9. I read somewhere that those were bred specifically to be easy targets for eagles. It was some website dealing with streams in the Cherokee reservation in NC...
  10. Even though I haven't fished Bennett in a long time, this kind of pisses me off, too. Couldn't have found anyplace else for the outflow?
  11. Indeed I have been sprayed with police grade pepper spray for training at work and I can tell you ...IT SUCKS WORSE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD It's worse than teargas. It should do wonders on dogs.
  12. That is the idea, I think you want to tend towards 2.5X if you have more current. Less than 2 for slack or no current.
  13. That was the best part of not having weekends off!
  14. When...when they escape. They always escape. Ask the Norwegians and Canadians.
  15. Black or Olive soft hackle flies size 16. Cast across the current and let it swing. Give it a twitch once and a while and when it "swings" at the end of the drift, hang on... Twitch it back to you and then lather, rinse and repeat!
  16. I like Korkers, personally. There's a lot of great options out there at about any price range.
  17. Got that same problem LOL! I'll have to be disciplined and go to the outlet store first, this time! Daddy needs some new bassin' gear.
  18. My wife and I both use felts at Tanney.
  19. Where I am glad that they have discovered a use for them, I'd be happy if they'd have kept the bloody things "home" in the first place...(Yes, I know how they got there )
  20. Not to add gas to the fire, but what about circle hooks? Would those work better and cut back on mortality?
  21. You never know what it means until you can't do it for a while...Whether it's work or "just too busy", when you go back, then you'll know.
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