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I finally have something to add to some reports here, after fishing K/C for a few days. :D


We had a tough day, caught in the monsoon on plane this afternoon in K/C, but stuck it out and finally got to our destination, but only after an unholy pelting of rain! UGH!


Anywho, I hope I don't ruin anything for you techo. :unsure: But, we caught several today on windblown mainlake points, on a drop shot rig;(but not true drop-shotting..........just that style rig) with any multitude of small soft plastics in watermelon candy. (fry, finesse worm, etc.) The drop shot rig keeps your bait out of the moss, by just slowly dragging it along; maintaining contact with the bottom. The points with gradual sloping pea gravel seemed best. Keeping the boat in the magic 20 feet of water.


The jerkbait slowly tapered off the passed several days for us, and fizzled out after this morning.


The end of the day, (mintues before the storm) I started throwing a white spinnerbait, with silver double-willows in the timber, in about 15 feet of water, in backs of coves. Slow rolling near standing timber. With a nice result. A 3+ lb. smallie. B)


After the rain I went back out, and caught even more before sunset. (Redemption after last month!) Pretty incredible after the tough afternoon we had, and confirmation that the 3+lb. smallie was not just a fluke. Multiple 3+ lb. smallies (one just shy of 4........and annnnngry!, plus some grumpy 3lb kentuckies. All in about an hour and a half. It was GRRReat!


The mud line of runoff water from the rain, seemed to turn 'em sour. No hits in or near the mudline though............hhhmmmmm? I would cast in, then out of the mudline, and parallel to it........only success was in the clear water.


I took some pix with my cell phone, but can't figure out how to get them to upload........ggggrrrrrrr.


Oh well, hopefully this will help someone out?


Good Luck to those guys in AIA tomorrow, :D looks like we gotta head home a day early! :mellow:


(Limited internet access the next couple days, gotta run!)

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Hey techo, how'd you do?


It looks like you're in similar territory I was throwing the blade in. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and was just curious what youre technique was? (you can PM me if you don't want to advertise it ;) )


I never mind telling anyone how we did or didn't do or where we did it. Fishing is just a passion for me,not a living. I like fishing the AIA, because it is good folk and they are fun to hang with. Still just fun though.

We didn't weigh a fish today! We were in Schooners for a bit too. Windy windy. We threw a lot of spinner bait there, but didn't land a fish there. I had both feet on the trolling motor. We did catch a ton of shorties. We caught most of our fish on the stick bait after the wind picked up. We also caught some small mouth on the c-rig with a fish doctor. I think we caught two on the spinner bait near the cows. We spent most of the last two days in around and near the two cows. There wasn't even a breeze when we started the day.

Babbler had given me some direction and we tried it yesterday. It was the best day I ever had (did I say thanks yet). Today was still a good day, we just couldn't get the ones over fifteen inches to bite. I saw some fish (looked big) hanging on trees, but they just swam away.

Saw some of the OAF brotherhood today. Champ was fishing with Donna. Her picture does not do her justice. I think I saw J.E.and Don, SkeeterP and Nitronick, E.P. (tried to buy a bass off him), Mike and probably more people I am forgetting.

Sorry about bugging you when you are working Bill. I was pretty excited about the size of our success and just wanted to pass on the gratitude. I think we might have to schedule a summer lesson soon. I did a bit of guiding on Rainy Lake and know it can be a challenge at times.

Hey Vacation.....I always have to change the size of my pics. The picture manager lets me edit them to small or large web posting size and then I upload it.

Did I miss anything?

Tim Carpenter


Techo..where is the picture manager....after i have downloaded my pics to my pc, then what do i do....thanks


FINALLY...I think I got it...4.5 years of college, 2 years of a masters degree and it took a fisherman "techo" to help me find the compress button....priceless

Anyway, here is the smallie I caught sat morning on a grub, weighed right at 4lbs...


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Fished the Joe Bass today and sucked had 2 early on grubs 7 lbs and some change, Have been catching them on stick baits but that was gone as well as soon as the sun went away and the wind started the bite went to he_ _ for us don't know what happend just wish someone could tell me.



I think it depends on what program you use. I have Picassa, Pentax and windows. If you view the photo using windows photo gallery....there will be a button on the top that says "open." If you click on that then microsoft office picture manager. click on edit and then resize. I think there is a predetermined large or small web button you can click. I always save the picture with the date "April 18" so I have the fish photo labeled with the date.

Then click the upload and do your thing.

Hope this helps.

Tim Carpenter

I never mind telling anyone how we did or didn't do or where we did it. Fishing is just a passion for me,not a living. I like fishing the AIA, because it is good folk and they are fun to hang with. Still just fun though.

We didn't weigh a fish today! We were in Schooners for a bit too. Windy windy. We threw a lot of spinner bait there, but didn't land a fish there. I had both feet on the trolling motor. We did catch a ton of shorties. We caught most of our fish on the stick bait after the wind picked up. We also caught some small mouth on the c-rig with a fish doctor. I think we caught two on the spinner bait near the cows. We spent most of the last two days in around and near the two cows. There wasn't even a breeze when we started the day.

Little Cow has always been fickle for me...great one day, zero the next. A complete tease. At least you whacked them one day.

FINALLY...I think I got it...4.5 years of college, 2 years of a masters degree and it took a fisherman "techo" to help me find the compress button....priceless

Anyway, here is the smallie I caught sat morning on a grub, weighed right at 4lbs...

Sweet fish. Small mouth are by far my favorite to catch.

Tim Carpenter



yesterday you had a day I envied. sorry it didn't repeat today. who won with what?


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