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Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Floated that same section about 7 or 8 yrs. ago. I went with a dive club out of Little Rock. We did a canoe/dive/fish trip. The water was so low that year, that we did a lot of dragging of the canoes. Only found a few holes on the entire stretch that was over 10' deep, worth putting on the tanks. In the Buffalos's defense, it was in late summer. The outfitter said, that they had been in a drought for a few years, also. We didn't fair well with the smallies either, a few dinks, here and there. Glad to see that the river has recovered. The scenery alone, was worth the float.

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I almost hate to wear a cap because I end up NOT seeing a lot of beautiful bluffs. I love that blue green water the Buffalo has. That upper section has so much drop per mile that I don't think the fishing is as good as further down the river. I've caught fish there and some nice ones, but I don't think it "carries" as many fish as the lower river does.

I'll get to the Buffalo soon.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Hey, Creek Wader, your photos are of the LOWER end of the river...Phil floated the upper section.

That's the thing about the Buffalo. On most Ozark streams the scenery deteriorates as you go downstream...the bluffs get lower and the bottomland gets wider. Not so the Buffalo. The lower section is almost as spectacular as the Ponca to Kyles stretch. No other river in the Ozarks, and in my opinion no other river east of the Rockies, compares with the Buffalo in scenery.

Big Bluff has my vote for the single most impressive sight in the Ozarks, whether you are floating down to it as Phil's photo shows, beneath it, or hiking the Goat Trail across the face of it.

Hey, Creek Wader, your photos are of the LOWER end of the river...Phil floated the upper section.

That's the thing about the Buffalo. On most Ozark streams the scenery deteriorates as you go downstream...the bluffs get lower and the bottomland gets wider. Not so the Buffalo. The lower section is almost as spectacular as the Ponca to Kyles stretch. No other river in the Ozarks, and in my opinion no other river east of the Rockies, compares with the Buffalo in scenery.

Big Bluff has my vote for the single most impressive sight in the Ozarks, whether you are floating down to it as Phil's photo shows, beneath it, or hiking the Goat Trail across the face of it.

Al, your right. I looked up where we stayed. It was the lower section of the Buffalo. I stand corrected. Thanks, wader


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