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Dude. You know I can't fit in no Miata.

I'm headed to the beach for a week I'll call you when I get back and we'll go somewhere.

Well I knew he was messin' with ya cause you can't fit a watermelon on the dashboard of a miata! (and no, I havent tried.. LOL)


Dude. You know I can't fit in no Miata.

I'm headed to the beach for a week I'll call you when I get back and we'll go somewhere.

Sounds good! Stop by Sams Club on your way out of town, they have a sale on Coppertone SPF 40, it comes in a 5 gal bucket......you might pick up two!

Have a good time, I'll talk to ya when you get back!


"FishinCricket" my bald butt !!!....Your name is.... Dorky PicklePants LMAO !

. Use the third letter of your first name to

determine your New first name:

a = snickle

b = doombah

c = goober

d = cheesey

e = crusty

f = greasy

g = dumbo

h = farcus

i = dorky

j = doofus

k = funky

l = boobie

m = sleezy

n = sloopy

o = fluffy

p = stinky

q = slimy

r = dorfus

s = snooty

t = tootsie

u = dipsy

v = sneezy

w = liver

x = skippy

y = dink y

z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:

a = dippin

b = feather

c = batty

d = burger

e = chicken

f = barffy

g = lizard

h = waffle

i = farkle

j = monkey

k = pickle

l = fricken

m = bubble

n = rhino

o = potty

p = hamster

q = buckle

r = gizzard

s = lickin

t = snickle

u = chuckle

v = flippin

w = hubble

x = dingle

y = gorilla

z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:

a = pants

b = boob

c = face

d = nose

e = hump

f = breath

g = butt

h = shorts

i = lips

j = honker

k = head

l = tush

m = chunks

n = dunkin

o = brains

p = biscuits

q = toes

r = doodle

s = fanny

t = sniffer

u = sprinkles

v = frack

w = squirt

x = humperdinck

y = hiney

z = juice

From your friend, Crusty Farklechunks


Thanks Crusty! (better than Gene, still not sure how I managed to keep doing that).. LOL


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