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I have a 12' Waco jon boat w/ a johnson 3.3 hp outboard and a minn kota 30lb. thrust troller. The hull is lightweight (88 lbs.), but both motors are more than enough power. As far as batteries go, I wanted to get something good, AND LIGHTWEIGHT!!!! I went to the Interstate battery store on kearney st. and talked to them. A salesman named Jerald was VERY helpful, and helped me pick out my batteries. I got two wheelchair batteries. They are much smaller and about half the weight (and price) of marine batteries, and they are 12-volt deep cycle. Also, they are sealed batteries, so you never have to mess with keeping the water levels up. They are sold in pairs for $75, and carry a FULL WARRANTY. According to Jerald, these batteries are very popular for people with small trolling motors, and I can attest that we used one battery ALL DAY LONG and it even had a full charge (>2/3) when we got home. Jerald's suggestion for connecting my motor was to just use the stock screw terminals on the battery, and cover up the connection with some duck tape. That's what I've been doing and it has worked great so far. Good Luck!!!!

"Sometimes it seems like such a hard life, but there's good times around the bend. The rollercoaster's gotta roll to the bottom if ya wanna climb to the top again."

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Ok I just sold my 18 Foot Jon Boat because it was too Big for most places I went.I have a 12 Foot Jon Boat which is a little Small but doable.I have kicked around getting a 14 Footer,may do it when I get the money.

Bass Pro has Minn Kota 30 Pound Trust Trolling motor for just over $100,has a Good warrenty and all.If you have Oars they will work,need Lights,Whistle,PFD's and a Throw Chusion.

Oh at one time I had me,my Wife,3 Kids and a bunch of Camping Gear in the 12 footer,going upstream against the current,did just fine.

Here is a pic of my Son setting in my 12 footer on the river.


Here is one of me.



Thanks for the advice ... why don't you just sell me your boat :D


Ha!! I just bought mine a couple of months ago from my boss. It's my first and ONLY boat, so I have to say no. :( Maybe after I buy my new bass boat....... :P

"Sometimes it seems like such a hard life, but there's good times around the bend. The rollercoaster's gotta roll to the bottom if ya wanna climb to the top again."


Surprise, surprise ... I have another question.

My brother-in-law was given a jon boat when he was setting a mole-trap for a land owner. It has no title.

What does he need to do to get the boat titled?


PS - I've been looking all over Craigslist and other sites; but if someone on here wants to help me out, then shoot me a PM if you have a jon boat for sale.


A buddy of mine bought one at a farm sale several years ago, no title no S/N. He made an appointment with the Highway Patrol, much like you would to license a homemade trailer, they checked it out, issued a S/N and title.


“If a cluttered desk is a sign, of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?”- Albert Einstein


I bought a 14 ft v-bottom tonight from a fellow OA guy. He gave me a great deal. It is a 1953. It has the original Corps of Engineers sticker and was used on Bull Shoals (the sticker says Buck Creek area). It has 2 swivel seats, 1 rod holder, 1 anchor, and a 30# minn kota trolling motor (most importantly, it had a title). It is heavy gauge (to heavy for me to get in my truckbed by myself) and hangs about 6 ft past my shortbed, but I have a boat.

Now all I need is a few more things and I will be ready for the water.

Thanks again for all the help/advice,


The first pic is before a little TLC.





It was great to meet you OzarkFisherman...I am sure you will have a great time in that boat. It caught me and the wife lots of fish.

That type of boat is great for getting into heavy cover and best of all...no boat payments!!!


That thing is a TANK!!!! It's a nice looking boat, though- complete with local history! Congrats!! ;)

"Sometimes it seems like such a hard life, but there's good times around the bend. The rollercoaster's gotta roll to the bottom if ya wanna climb to the top again."

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