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Hit the water, and the water didn't hit me back like it does here at the house. It's 5;30 and I can count over 40 boats rockin and a rollin here on the rock. That includes water fleas, and several big ole biggins, making huge waves.

Started at Tucker at 5:30 yesterday evening going to look for whites. It takes me 25 minutes to get there from our place. 3 rigs in the parking lot. Did not see a boat till I also got to Kdock.

One little pod of schoolers just below Kdock that stayed up all of 1 minute and that was all I saw. Didn't let me get close and sounded and would not bite.

Fished my way back hitting long point runouts, just really waiting and looking for whites. Several guys trolling and a couple of pontooners, but nary a jet ski, or anyone towing anything. Let along any 40 ft. Carvers, or Sea Rays.

Threw a flutter spoon, almost consistantly and suprising, had 6 nice keeper K's.

Stayed out to dark, working my way back to Tucker, and then even went below away just past State Line Cove and around Horseshoe bend. Had a couple of points I caught good fish on a week or so ago, but if you can believe it, they had boats on them.

Saw 2 Eagles, 1 mink and 3 racoons, along with several deer and an ospry. Guess I should have been watching the water a mite closer and maybe I would have seen some whites.

Nice 4 hours of solitude.

  • Root Admin

I pulled a tube from 2 till 4 today above K Dock and didn't see any whites. But that's too early. No other boats recreating, a couple fishing. Pretty quiet.

You know, I bet there are some whites at the pothole in the evening with the water running! That cool water may be the key.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

You know, I bet there are some whites at the pothole in the evening with the water running! That cool water may be the key.

That's what I've been thinking. I go through Forsyth and my last couple of afternoon trips to K Dock there's been quite a few rigs parked at River Run and no boats visible from the bridge. I bet they're up at the pothole catching white bass.


Don't you love it? I consider myself extremely fortunate to call Bull Shoals my home water. Some years the fishing is virtually non-existant, but that's alright by me.

My boy and I went out of River Run last night from 7 till dark. We did not go to the pothole, but went downstream instead. There were a handful of boats (maybe 5 between the bridge and Beaver Creek), and there were tons and tons of shad.

Like you all, I figured we'd get into the whites, but it never happened. No matter, there are plenty of 12 inch Kentuckies to keep a 14yr old (and his dad) occupied.

My guess on the whites in the upper area? get downstream of the cold water line. Not sure where that would be exactly, but it's somewhere below the first bend above Beaver Creek. That's as far as we went.

FYI, the sign at the ramp at River Run says the Corps will start charging again on August 15th (this Saturday). I never did get a sticker for this year, but as I recall they run from the 12 months of your purchase (and not by calendar year)... time to pony up I reckon.


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