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Just got around to reading the reponses - almost fainted when you first posted Bman - I was sure I was going to end up in a cell next to the guy who steals fishing equipment from tourney boats and sells it on eBay! Glad y'all cleared that up - I know it is a rule for trout parks, but I never thought to even consider the rule may apply to other bodies of water - I'm glad it doesn't in this case, but it's good to know for sure!

I've had to jump in after a rod twice - both times the culprit was a catfish. The rod I recovered had a 31" channel cat on it. The rod I didn't had a 68" channel cat on it (didnt see it of course, but some advanced math and physics involving the velocity and acceleration of the rod leaving the dock gives me a good estimate. It's a simple enough calculation for us fishermen ;) However, the water wasn't 60 degees!! Brrr!! That had better of been a nice rod! (or trout)

I can understand why trout parks impose the limit-out-and-stop-fishing rule. There are enough kids around just trying to catch a few fish to put a smile on their face, that anything to decrease the number of educated, sore-jawed fish is useful.

One technical rule - and maybe lilley can help me out - If I was to get to the dock at 10:00, catch four, and clean them before midnight, could I catch and keep four more if I stayed after midnight till one or two? (If I was having some folks over who fancied fresh trout, for example)? I don't know if it is four per day, or four per 24 hour period. (Although it would be a pretty hard-core agent who would be checking my fisht at midnight I would imagine ... Dudley Dooright of the water patrol...)

One technical rule - and maybe lilley can help me out - If I was to get to the dock at 10:00, catch four, and clean them before midnight, could I catch and keep four more if I stayed after midnight till one or two? (If I was having some folks over who fancied fresh trout, for example)? I don't know if it is four per day, or four per 24 hour period. (Although it would be a pretty hard-core agent who would be checking my fisht at midnight I would imagine ... Dudley Dooright of the water patrol...)

The way I read the law is the limit is 4 fish per DAY with a possession of 8. The days end at 11:59:59, so after midnight that would be the next day...

I certainly would have them cleaned as you mentioned and not have 8 on a stringer! :o

Just got around to reading the reponses - almost fainted when you first posted Bman - I was sure I was going to end up in a cell next to the guy who steals fishing equipment from tourney boats and sells it on eBay! Glad y'all cleared that up - I know it is a rule for trout parks, but I never thought to even consider the rule may apply to other bodies of water - I'm glad it doesn't in this case, but it's good to know for sure!

I've had to jump in after a rod twice - both times the culprit was a catfish. The rod I recovered had a 31" channel cat on it. The rod I didn't had a 68" channel cat on it (didnt see it of course, but some advanced math and physics involving the velocity and acceleration of the rod leaving the dock gives me a good estimate. It's a simple enough calculation for us fishermen ;) However, the water wasn't 60 degees!! Brrr!! That had better of been a nice rod! (or trout)

I can understand why trout parks impose the limit-out-and-stop-fishing rule. There are enough kids around just trying to catch a few fish to put a smile on their face, that anything to decrease the number of educated, sore-jawed fish is useful.

One technical rule - and maybe lilley can help me out - If I was to get to the dock at 10:00, catch four, and clean them before midnight, could I catch and keep four more if I stayed after midnight till one or two? (If I was having some folks over who fancied fresh trout, for example)? I don't know if it is four per day, or four per 24 hour period. (Although it would be a pretty hard-core agent who would be checking my fisht at midnight I would imagine ... Dudley Dooright of the water patrol...)

Nope, it was a pretty bad rod..... I was more worried about the fish. B) It was only about 15" long, but that's perfect eating size :lol: :lol:

Nope, it was a pretty bad rod..... I was more worried about the fish. B) It was only about 15" long, but that's perfect eating size :lol: :lol:

Haha - now that's a fisherman! They say some people fish all their lives without realizing its not the fish they are after - I say hogwash - I'm after the fish. Otherwize I'd take up golf.

I have never owned a rod that costed more than 35 dollars (except my one fly rod). I lose them and break them too quickly. I snapped the tip off of my favorite rod i've ever owned the other day though - my light action Berkley Lightning Rod - the style before the current one. :(

One technical rule - and maybe lilley can help me out - If I was to get to the dock at 10:00, catch four, and clean them before midnight, could I catch and keep four more if I stayed after midnight till one or two? (If I was having some folks over who fancied fresh trout, for example)? I don't know if it is four per day, or four per 24 hour period. (Although it would be a pretty hard-core agent who would be checking my fisht at midnight I would imagine ... Dudley Dooright of the water patrol...)

The only time I have ever been checked for anything was after frog gigging on a tiny lake(pond) in cass county at 2:30 in the morning. I couldnt belive it. Kind of spooky haveing a agent walk up behind you in the pitch black of night while trying to trailor the boat.


One technical rule - and maybe lilley can help me out - If I was to get to the dock at 10:00, catch four, and clean them before midnight, could I catch and keep four more if I stayed after midnight till one or two? (If I was having some folks over who fancied fresh trout, for example)? I don't know if it is four per day, or four per 24 hour period. (Although it would be a pretty hard-core agent who would be checking my fisht at midnight I would imagine ... Dudley Dooright of the water patrol...)

In your original post you stated that after cleaning your 4 fish, that you relocated to the dam to continue fishing. One regulation states that you cannot be in possession of a slot restricted rainbow in the restricted zone. I thought maybe that you might want to be aware of that regulation.

  • Root Admin

While in a boat, you do need to be careful not to transport rainbows from below to above Fall Creek. If they are in the slot, you'll get in trouble. But if you clean your fish (below) and drive to the dam and keep them in your car/cooler, you're ok.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

Haha - now that's a fisherman! They say some people fish all their lives without realizing its not the fish they are after - I say hogwash - I'm after the fish. Otherwize I'd take up golf.

I have never owned a rod that costed more than 35 dollars (except my one fly rod). I lose them and break them too quickly. I snapped the tip off of my favorite rod i've ever owned the other day though - my light action Berkley Lightning Rod - the style before the current one. :(

Yeah... I think this rod was worth about $20 when I bought it, but by this time it probably was worth less than the line I had spooled on it.....

I only own one expensive rod (A fly rod worth about $350), but that was given to me as a gift by my Grandfather many years ago. I wouldn't ever dream of buying an expensive rod personally.

  • Members

I was at Montauk a couple years ago when a few minutes after the morning horn two people on different sides of the river caught the same trout. They were shouting back and forth "No, you can keep it." Finally the man on the park side of the river netted the fish and the woman on the other side got her spinner back.

Strangest thing happened to me the other day - Three times now i've gotten up at 2 am, gotten down to the docks by 3:30 (after a soda pick-me-up and two hotdogs at the hwy14/hwy65 QT [side note within a side note - how come QT serves hotdogs at 2:45am, but not breakfast sandwiches?? What kind of crazy fool eats hotdogs at 2:45am?...besides me apparently]) ANYWAY, got down to the dock, had limit of 4 fish and cleaned by 6 or so, and was at the dam early to fly the day away. Good fun, but a long, long day!

T'other day though, my fourth fish had eaten the powerbait from both of my rods! Whilst I dozed, the crazy fish bit and swallowed one pair of eggs, swam upstream, and ate the other pair!! You would think that the string dangling from his mouth would've dissuaded him from that second pair, eh? I guess those Gulp eggs ARE powerful! Has this happened to other people? I though it was pretty ridiculous (as I salvaged my precious hook from somewhere around his small intestine).

As I read it, that story isn't quite as dramatic and incredible as it seemed at the time. So I may as well tell you that after that, I saved a bus full of orphans from falling off the Table Rock Dam....WITH MIND BULLETS!!! There. That makes it a little more entertaining.

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