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Great job. Amen, to what Phil said.


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


Wow - amazing story and a great testimony to share at your next get together! It is good to hear that you reacted to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Hopefully Shawn will see it for what it is also - a blessing.

A Cornhusker


Thanks for the kind words guys. I was just at the right place at the right time.

Zack makes a really good point about water being nothing to mess with.

Michael asked if I could post the number that I called, which I can not. It is not a published telephone number. It is strictly SWPA / CoE use only. Stan Jones (the table rock dam superintendent) would be the man to talk to if anyone has any questions about that.

(They do not even like me having the number to be quite honest.)

That being said, we all should know there is the BREAK GLASS PHONE right there by chute 2. That is what should be used in an emergency such as this one. I did find out later in the day that someone else had noticed him and called up to the River Run shop to ask what they possibly could do. The shop called the hatchery and the hatchery might have known what number to call.. I am not certain.

In a life threatening emergency - use the BREAK GLASS PHONE. Thats why it is there.

Cheers, and be safe wading LT and any tailwater scenario - Brian

Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.


Another suggestion....I would presume that the 911 operators would have that number handy, or at least the Sheriff's Dept or Police.

Hear Hear Brian, well done.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"

  • Root Admin
Another suggestion....I would presume that the 911 operators would have that number handy, or at least the Sheriff's Dept or Police.

Hear Hear Brian, well done.


THEY may not even have the number... that's what is so amazing about this event.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

THEY may not even have the number... that's what is so amazing about this event.

Tailwaters frankly scare the heck out me. I had a scary experience below Bull Shoals dam a few years ago, really knocked the sense into me. I don't and won't fish the White River tailwaters anymore, except from the bank. I will not wade or fish from a boat anymore in any of those areas.

THEY may not even have the number... that's what is so amazing about this event.

If they don't that would be a travesty....

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Part of me understands why they don't want this number to go public, but come on, if someone's life is in danger, expecting someone to make it all the way to the top of the stairs by outlet two is ridiculous. The way I see it, the responsible thing would be to make a public number.

I don't know if it would be possible, but could they make it so there would be consequences for raising a false alarm? I would just hate to see someone get caught in rising water and be hurt or killed because the SWPA / CoE felt the need to keep these numbers thier own secret. In my book, that's not very responsible.

Zach Smith


The emergency phone is the answer. That's why it is there.

It rings directly into the control room of the powerhouse.

Since I've been fishing here the glass has been broken once that I know of.

A guy stepped off the end of the stairs and went swimming.

He got out before the water even went down.


Just once I wish a trout would wink at me!


I'm the guy wearing the same Simms longbilled hat for 10 years now.

  • Members

The emergency phone is a good idea and I'm sure it's written into their emergency plan. At the very least the 911 operator should be able to reach them. The first notion somebody would have is to call 911. Surely they can write that into their emergency plan as it is reviewed and revised. It is events like these that should cause agencys to revise their plan.


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