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First of all i would like to say i had a wonderful weekend and we couldnt have asked for milder weather....other than the rain we had.

Alright now down to the business lol

Im about sick and tired of people who arent even around when a big fish is caught always run their mouths that fish are snagged. Its funny to hear from someone who has no idea who you are that "oh some guy up that way snagged one earlier" when talking about the fish you caught. Absolutely hillarious.... or the guys that say the only way big trout are caught are by snagging. It has got to be a jealousy thing, there are just certain people who cant admit that they got beat or that the only way they didnt win was because someone cheated.

EVERY single fish i catch is caught 100% totally legit, and i put alot of time into tying and trying new things to get fish to bite. EVERY single time I net the fish and take it right to people to show them the hook is in the mouth.... i wont even touch the fish until i show someone hook location. Its sad i have to do that but it helps keep trash out of peoples mouths

I love fishing all over current, taney etc, but im about ready to call it quits in the park because of all of the drama people bring down there. I fish to have fun and enjoy the limited free time i have. I like to catch big fish no matter where at because its a challenge to get them in on 1 or 2 lb line or 6x or 7x tippet.

Saturday i worked a big ole female for about four hours off and on. I hooked up with her after a couple hours and drifting everything i had at her and finally got her to take. I had her on and she booked upstream. Meanwhile there was a gentleman who was right there and i politely said excuse me (as he was retying) and i cut through him in about 6 inches of water in front of him............. the old crab says next time dont walk through the pool (he didnt catch a single fish maybe because he was using 6 lb test lol ).

Its common courtesy that if someone hooks into a nice fish that poeple will not mind pulling in their lines and let you scoot by to play the fish out. Id do it for anyone else even if it was a small stocker. Im happy to see someone land a fish of any size.

Well anyways I break the fish off after about 30 seconds. She settles down about 45 minutes later and starts feeding again and miraculously she took something else. That time i was fortunate to land her. The old crab was there so i took the fish over to a couple and showed them where the hook was RIGHT IN THE ROOF OF HER MOUTH before i touched it in the net.

But the thing that really ticked me off is that old guy was in the showers at the campground and a buddies dad heard him telling people how two brothers stood in front of him and snagged a big one (talking about my friend and i who were fishing together) He made it sound like we came in and crowded him when in reality we were all by ourselves at that hole before he even showed up.

People just amaze me!!!!!!!

oh and she was 26" and 8 lb 11 oz. :D

Sorry for the rant fellas :D

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Sometimes people need a good rant. It is a safety valve that helps release frustration. Otherwise we would actually go off on the ocean yacht owners on LOZ, the wakeboat bozos on TR, or the "can only bad mouth" crowd you describe.

In the future, remember that the people who are the first to claim foul by others are usually those that could only match what you have done by foul. Second, remind yourself their opinion is worthless to all except themselves. Last, be grateful you are not they and have their miserable life.

I love fishing all over current, taney etc, but im about ready to call it quits in the park because of all of the drama people bring down there. I fish to have fun and enjoy the limited free time i have. I like to catch big fish no matter where at because its a challenge to get them in on 1 or 2 lb line or 6x or 7x tippet.

oh and she was 26" and 8 lb 11 oz. :D

Congrats 10pointer, a super nice rainbow by anyone's standards. You have to let the cry babies and the boo hooers roll on like the current. It's not about them, it's about you and the fish. "RPS" pretty much described them to a tee.

I too am a light tippet advocate, I enjoy the challenge. Congrats again!


As long as you and your friend know how the fish was caught that is all that matters. Some people will never allow themselves to share in someone elses joy, but that is their pain and their burden. Congratulations on a great catch!

So waht was working and what are the conditions like? I'm heading down for the first time 10/14 and I'm really looking forward to the trip.


"EVERY single fish i catch is caught 100% totally legit, and i put alot of time into tying and trying new things to get fish to bite. EVERY single time I net the fish and take it right to people to show them the hook is in the mouth.... i wont even touch the fish until i show someone hook location. Its sad i have to do that but it helps keep trash out of peoples mouths"

You have NEVER foul hooked a fish? EVER?

Are you saying that if you are fishing by yourself, you will seek out someone fishing nearby, show them where the hook is in the fishes mouth?

Why would you need to do that? That would annoy the living s%#t out of me if someone did that to me while I was fishing.

You are so stupid you threw a rock at the ground and missed.


Why would you take the time to show someone how your fish was hooked? Are you fishing for them or for you? Who cares what they think? It's like making someone watch you play a game of solitaire. There's no joy in cheating whether someone else knows you did or not. It's about you and the fish and the stream, and that's it. They can say I used a seining net for all I care, I know I didn't.

I don't know how you guys fish at those parks. It would be like trying to find peace at Six Flags.



Go job of hooking the big fish twice in the same day. Just courious, was a tournament going on? Did you keep the fish or release it?

As for Trout Park courtesy, that has been thrown out the window by 50% or more of the people.

As for foul hookin'. Don't lett others ruffle your feathers. I was a BSSP on Saturday (report will be coming soon) and foul hooked and landed 11 fish, just in 7 hours of fishing. It does not matter what stream of river I'm in I will foul hook a fish every single day. Also to let you all know I did not keep a single fish that day. I forgot my cooler :(



Woo Hoo Fish On!!


Nice catch!!! I would have loved to see you fight that one!!! Don't let the grumpy old farts get to you!! You caught a very nice fish and you know you did it right!! That's all that matters!!! Congrats!!!

Smiles are free



Dunno.. If I "work" a fish and bump it in the nose enough there are 3 possible outcomes... 1)Its gonna eat 2) my hook will drift into its mouth at some point, or 3) it will wiggle its fins wrong and get foul hooked.

Some folks call that site fishing, others might call it snagging. I dont think that you will ever find agreement between those with differing opinions on the topic. Cheers.

Dunno.. If I "work" a fish and bump it in the nose enough there are 3 possible outcomes... 1)Its gonna eat 2) my hook will drift into its mouth at some point, or 3) it will wiggle its fins wrong and get foul hooked.

Some folks call that site fishing, others might call it snagging. I dont think that you will ever find agreement between those with differing opinions on the topic. Cheers.

This comment forces me to defend the the true art of sight fishing. The method that you just described is not sight fishing. This method is forcing the fish into a situation that you and the fish do not want to be in. The outcome will be as you described. True sight fishing is the art of presenting your fly in a manner that makes the fish come to you and eat your presentation. You have to keep the fly a safe distance from the fish to avoid what you just described above. It is hard to force feed a fish. There is an art to consistantly catching big fish, just like the art of making an eighty foot cast. If you bore easily, then sight fishing is not for you. You might stand over 20 big fish, hook up with 3, and if you are lucky, land one. That is what sight fishing is all about. Since it doesn't take much to entertain me , I am a sight fisherman.

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