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Wow. This wins the award for the world's weirdest thread.


Ok, I’ll take you off my utterly useless and retarded list! You didn’t belong on there anyway; I was just trying to be funny. So you don’t live around here and know where there is any crappie, so what! I still think you’re a pretty good guy to know anyways!

Hey, I haven’t seen fishingcricket. I’m worried that he feel in the Pirhanna/crappie pond and got ate! Also, watch out for eric1978, he’s Lucifer’s son and he just got his first tattoo! 666! Mark of the beast! LOL

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!

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Now I know how Dorothy felt in the Wizard of Oz when she landed in Munchkin land and all she could hear was giggles from the bushes.



Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!


Bull shoals at night with underwater lights? That sounds interesting! What’s that all about? Looking for crappie I hope?

Yes Buckshot CRAPPIE. I do it out of a boat. If you don't have a boat yuo might do it off the end of a deep dock but I don't know about that.

You need a battery,a floating light or a starfire2 underwater light which is what I use.

Put them in the water,bait up with a minner or a cricket & if there are any CRAPPIE around it won't be long before you get bit.

Your my only begger friend. LOL

Yes Buckshot CRAPPIE. I do it out of a boat. If you don't have a boat yuo might do it off the end of a deep dock but I don't know about that.

You need a battery,a floating light or a starfire2 underwater light which is what I use.

Put them in the water,bait up with a minner or a cricket & if there are any CRAPPIE around it won't be long before you get bit.

Your my only begger friend. LOL

LOL So when did I become a begger? Maybe I need a sign that says WILL WORK FOR CRAPPIE! Oh well as long as I get what I want, I’ll put my shame behind me! LOL So you fish for crappie do you? But do you ever catch anything? Where do you fish, table rock? I have a 2lb crappie hanging on the wall I took from table rock. Too bad it was the only one there, other than that all my son and I caught were 1/4lb and ½lb bluegill. We had a light over the side of the boat that night. I used to be the glass man for Ulrich Marine in Republic then I worked for buddy at Pro Boat repair in Highlandville, and then I started my own business. My first job was a house boat. It was a big job so the owner just threw me the keys and told me I could stay there until I was done. At night I fished out the back where no one could see me. They tell you at these marinas that they don’t want you fishing around them because it creates a hazard for their divers with the broken off fishing line when they check for various problems down below but I think their just trying to hog all the fish! LOL I’ve owned a lot of boats. I buy and sell them basically because I run into all kinds of deals. I never put them in the water and personally I don’t own one. Unless you count my two kayaks and 10 foot v bottom I have at the moment, I’m going to replace the seats in it and sell to a guy I know who wants it. Well I better get my sign and get back to work, keep slammin’ those crappies!

Tell a thousand funny jokes and no one remembers!

Tell one bad one and no one forgets!



Nope never caught any Crappie at all. LOL

If you go to Lower Bull Shoals & click on it,then go down to Night time Crappies. You can see the rest of my pics from that fishing trip.

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