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I misidentified the northern strain as the TN strain. My fault.

As for trying to convince you all that I am not against the MSA, MDC or any other agency trying their damnedest to help our smallmouth fisheries, I give up. You all seem to thrive on making someone out to be the bad guy and all I wanted was to make sure that the Neosho strain got the acknowledgment it deserved in regards to regulations. I states that my preference was C&R statewide on ALL smallmouth, but that will not happen, so I said a 15/3 or 15/1 would be ok at the very least. Got attacked for that. Oh well. That is what happens when someone has not done their research on a subspecies that lives in their locale.


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  On 3/6/2010 at 5:48 AM, Dan Kreher said:

So, rather than get into a long-winded philosophical discussion witeh MDC over the pro's and con's of slots, the MO Smallmouth Alliance panel thought it best to suggest the expansion of Special Regs areas featuring the established 15/1 and 18/1 limits that have proven themselves successful per the MDC's own evaluation of their effectiveness. And, in an effort to protect the resource on a more widespread basis, improve average fish sizes, angler catch rates and PSDs of fish at least up to 15" in length, we suggested the change in the statewide regs to 15" MLL/ 3 fish creel. Will this produce trophies everywhere? No, but it does help improve fishing quality while still being palatable to most reasonable anglers today.

Has the MSA had discussions w/ the NPS regarding changes in the management of the ONSR regarding the SMB fishery? This might be a good place to recommend the slot limit discussed prior since the NPS is currently in the process of updating the management plan regarding the ONSR. The timing on this waterway is good.

" Too many hobbies to work" - "Must work to eat and play"


I went out to Neosho, Mo. today and hooked up with Chief GreyBear for breakfast and then he showed me the Elk River, Sugar Creek, Indian Creek and a little of Shoal Creek. The Elk is a small stream and the two feeders are fast moving smallwaters with very few pools from what I could see. I wanted very much to catch one of the Neosho Strain Smallies but they were hiding from me I guess. I will go back again later for another try when the weather settles down some and try again. I can see that these waters are not going to grow big fish as the fish will have to work hard for forage and against a strong current. If the Neosho strain run smaller as has been said then some special regs or catch and release may be the order of the day. I would like to see more information on them and maybe some growth date is available. It was a beautiful area and the water was clear, cold and moving fast.

Thank you Chief for showing me around as I would have never found those roads on my own. Got some real back country roads down that way.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!

  On 3/7/2010 at 2:03 AM, siusaluki said:

I catch plenty of big fish out of little streams. I think the neosho's can reach trophy size given the right regulations, and if you think they rarely grow larger than 17 inches, the 15/3 should be a great start at least. If that doesn't seem to change a thing, exemptions should be put on those waterways where the neoshos are found (hopefully after some thorough research by the MDC).

It seems like people just want to argue about the MSA and MDC, we are all on roughly the same page here fellas, so lets stop talking and start doing.

I can't thank the Blue ribbon advisory panel enough for taking the time and effort to work with the MDC to get these changes implemented, and smallmouth bass anglers throughout the state will be thanking them soon enough. The future is bright for smallie anglers in the state of Missouri, be it the east or southwest parts of the ozarks.

Chief, you said something about research that you were doing, care to enlighten us?

17" is a very large Neosho. They might well top out at 18, as far as the rare instances go, but 15" is a more realistic top end for their size.


  On 3/6/2010 at 3:56 PM, drew03cmc said:

C&R statewide is ideal, but it will never happen.

I states that my preference was C&R statewide on ALL smallmouth

I said, I would support a 15/3 or 15/1 at the least.

...but I am just trying to make it a point that blanket regulations, whether they are C&R or 15" are not a good thing at this point.

See what I mean? What exactly do you want?

  On 3/7/2010 at 5:54 AM, eric1978 said:

See what I mean? What exactly do you want?

You can't read either, I presume. I PREFER C&R, but could tolerate a 15/1 or 15/3 if that is all we could get. It is in that post you just quoted, which you did NOT read apparently. Blanket regulations for the entire state, based upon one region are not a good thing. I can't explain this any clearer for the fifteenth time.


  On 3/7/2010 at 2:44 PM, drew03cmc said:

I can't explain this any clearer for the fifteenth time.

Well apparently you should try. Because as usual nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, including you. Get over yourself and either do something to help or shut up.




I don't see a lot of information on the Neosho Smallmouth but I am still looking. I tried to contact Rick Horton, Fisheries Management Biologist, station in Neosho but my e-mail went unanswered. I would like to know what he has found with these Smallies since this is his area. We need more study done on these fish before we try any regulations that are directly targeting this Bass.

Just for the record Big Smallmouth caught in Small Streams migrated from larger bodies of water that had more prey to offer.

I really think the real issue is that the Neosho Subspecies of Smallmouth is a smaller fish with a growth rate to match. Then again I am not a Fisheries Biologist just a fisherman that is concerned about the Smallmouth.

Respect your Environment and others right to use it!

  On 3/7/2010 at 3:59 PM, Flysmallie said:

Well apparently you should try. Because as usual nobody knows what the hell you are talking about, including you. Get over yourself and either do something to help or shut up.

Edited to say: Fine, you win. I can't say anything any clearer than I prefer C&R for smallmouth statewide, but it will never happen. Statewide blanket regulations are not a good thing for a fish such as smallmouth, IMO. A 15/3 or 15/1 would have to be ok since, that is apparently what is being pushed through. I am not for a 15 MLL, but obviously, the powers that be in Missouri smallmouth fishing, think that is best, without knowing about these fish and these streams.


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