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just curious about the "bigmouth buffalo"? Is it common to mistake them for carp?

I'm not sure, but I think I know of 2 buffalo's being caught and released were around 30 to 35 pounds.

From time to time, I see schools of fish I think are carp. Could these be bigmouth buffalo's? If so, I'll try to remember to update you with any findings.

Are they good to eat?

Just curious about the fish.

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Hey Bob, There are a few differences between common carp and bigmouth buffalo. Carp are a redish orange color with a deep forked tail around here they rarely excede 20lb. The bigmouth has a blueish black color under water with a shallow fork in its tail, in the spring they will normaly float in the back of coves eating the pollen off the surface not usually in schools though but in 2's an 3's spread just slightly. both the carp and the bigmouth are short and stubby kind of like a drum. They can reach upwards of 45-50lb but are more common in the 20-30lb range. People do eat both species of buffalo, but they are filled with bones. People somtimes pressure cook them to soften the bones and just eat the bones and fish. they are excellent for trotlines. there are grass carp that look a little like buffalo under water but grass carp ate torpedo shaped and green in color and not highly common on pomme. Where buffalo are short and stubby and blueish. The fish your seeing could very possibily be buffalo if there dark in color and eating off the surface. Later Spearfisher

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I'll be fishing Pomme this Monday. If I see "dark in color and eating off the surface", I'll give you an update. I'm not sure about the color, but I've seen (what I thought were carp) feeding off the surface.

Interesting, thanks for the info.


This should help.I eat them all.



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Looks good oneshot! Care to tell us the area? I was out this weekend and there was nothing up, no carp, gar or buffalo couldnt find a fish for the life of me. thanks for the post though atleast i know there there. Spear


Caught these just above the Dam.

Most Carp we Can.But Buffalo we either roll in flour and cornmeal and fry or Bake them.Main thing is getting all the Blood Vein out.

Buffalo have a whiter meat and yes they have Y Bones but I've always learned to just deal with them.



If you are looking for Buffalo, there are a lot of them in the Kimberling city area of Table Rock. Just find a gentle sloping bank with moss (shouldn't be hard to find). I was down there last weekend and there were several over 30lbs swimming around.


Hey does anyone know if the bigmouth buffalo are up yet? If so what area? Thanks

Go to the back off Martins Flats.....can stir them with a stick.....

"May success follow your every cast." - Trav P. Johnson

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