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  • Root Admin

I'd mentioned in my last report about seeing 4 guys take dozens of slot rainbows from outlet #1 the other day. Well I saw their truck last night when I went to the dam to visit the FAOL bunch. I got ahold of Buck, our eastern Taney Co agent and he headed over. I walked down to the outlet and watched them- 2 guys this time, using bait but not catching anything. They left before Buck got there.

Vehicle - olive Sport Trak Ford Truck, 4 dr 2006 GA plates ATA 7094

They've been fishing in the evening, park at #1 and fishing right in the outlet. I did not talk to them but they seemed nervious... they know about the rules. They walk past the sign the states the rule.

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Could they do anything if we took some photos? Might at least make the turds think they are in trouble





  • Root Admin

I actually don't want to think that... sorry but I want them to get caught red handed and fined. I could have told them the other day I had recorded their lisc # and descrip of their truck and all the agents in the region were looking for them but... after they took all those fish, illegal trout, it should cost them.

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  • Members


Now that you have the poachers license number and vehicle description you might do what a British Columbia friend of mine does when he discovers illegal fishing activity. He removes the valve cores from all four tires and throws them as far as he can. After one experience like that and I...don't...think...they...would...be...back.


Fishing is the chance to wash one's soul with pure air. It brings meekness and inspiration, reduces our egotism, soothes our troubles and shames our wickedness. Besides, it's a lotta fun!...


Fished twice last week in trophy water.

On Thursday eve, As we motored up into the trophy water in the fog,

we can across a boat with 2 guys in it

fishing with big ol slip floats.

I asked if they were having any luck

and they they nervously said not much.

Then i asked what they were using and they said,

"Mostly power bait."

I then cut my engine and informed them of the rules.

They then slowly headed downstream.

They'd done that before. :angry:

They get into water before dark...let the fog hide them.

I'm sure they couldnt believe I was coming their way.

I was idleing my 4 stroke and think I was on them before they heard me.

As a reminder.....

Phil, what are the numbers we can call when we come across

people fishing with bait, or keeping fish in the slot

above Fall Creek.


Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach

  • Root Admin

Quentin - 294-5543

Hatchery - 334-4865 dial 0 and ask for John or Brian.

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A hint, I carry those numbers in the envelope I carry my license in.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


I wish there were a list of all the agents direct phone #'s listed by fishery that could be available.

I was fishing a couple weeks ago on a favorite creek and spotted a couple poachers with smallmouth on a stringer. Undersized for the area they were in, not to mention bass season wasn't yet open. Anyway, I called from my cell phone while still on the river, the 1-800-392-1111 (Operation Game Thief) and got quite the run-around . . . What river? Where is that?? What county? Put on hold forever and then finally got, you need to call this other phone #, etc. So I called the other phone # and they said to call yet ANOTHER phone #. Called that # and even they were confused on the location I was at, though I don't think I could have been more precise had I given them GPS coordinants. When it was all said and done, a voicemail was left by the dispatcher for the agent who called back a couple days later and said he was sorry he could not make it to the area.

Does anyone have a list of agents w/ their phone #'s by county or river, or something?


Good idea, shoot em an email and ask them to put the list on their website. Its got to be a lot better than that pathetic "Operation Game Thief" hotline.


I'd like to get a sticker for the sides of my boat that read

in nice big letters:



Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach

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