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I've sunk maybe 200 brush piles in the last 20 years. In my opinion, hardwoods and cedars, combined, were the best for me. The cedars have to be replaced as they break down faster than the hardwoods, but if it's a good pile and your not getting any help fishing it, it pays off to add a couple cedars occasionally. Almost all my piles were small, mostly two or three trees. If we caught a fish, we might make 1 more cast to the pile, then leave to hit another. We seldon caught more than 1 bass from these small piles. I didn't have a GPS then and had to be VERY careful about lining them up so I could find them. What's funny is, I can go back and find most of these piles, but can't remember what I did last week. :-}

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I couldn't tell you how long it might take for fish to start using a new pile... but, in my experience, it takes quite a while. I believe they have to become "part of the lake", so to speak, before fish in any quality and quantity are really comfortable using them. I could be wrong though... that's just my experience. We always like to drop them in the Fall and Winter, that way they should be seasoned and ready to go in the late Spring and Summer.

"Success builds confidence, and you have to learn to trust your instincts and forget about fishing the way a tournament is supposed

to be won. I'm going to fish my style and make it work for me." -KEVIN VANDAM

"Confidence is the best lure in your tackle box." -GERALD SWINDLE

"A-Rig? Thanks, but no thanks. If I can't catch them on the conventional tackle that I already use, then I guess I just can't catch them." -LK (WHACK'EM)


Perris Lake in CA has a very large tire farm that was constructed. I find it odd that the environmentalists in CA did not object. Tires are banned from landfills out there. However, the tire farm consists of auto tires half filed with cement and lined up flat on the bottom of the lake that clearly show up on your graph. There are great attractors for fish.

Just sharing.....

Jason, those GPS coordinates would be helpful. How much?

Captain Joe Hreha

Owner of MO Fenchbulldogs.com; Captain Joe's Guide Service (Retired); OAF Contributor; & Captain, U. S. Marine Corps (Retired)



I couldn't tell you how long it might take for fish to start using a new pile... but, in my experience, it takes quite a while. I believe they have to become "part of the lake", so to speak, before fish in any quality and quantity are really comfortable using them. I could be wrong though... that's just my experience. We always like to drop them in the Fall and Winter, that way they should be seasoned and ready to go in the late Spring and Summer.

Whack um, There's been a few times I've caught bass within a week after putting in a new pile, but the piles were made in the summertime, and I didn't make many at that time of year. Most of my piles were made in the cold of winter. You catch bass out of shallow cover when the waters up, so, what would be the difference ?


Ok, tried to check the activity last night at my new brushy spot. BUT, a boat dock that was close by was having way more fun than I was. About 8 people on the swim dock with the lights off, drinking and having a whale of a time. Apparently clothing was optional to be swimming with the group!! Just could not stick around and mess with their fun, as a couple of them were commenting about a fishing boat coming and were scattering. Simply told them Id go else where and move off. Will check it tomorrow night hopefully.

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Apparently, these "clothing optional parties" are becoming much more of a trend on the Rock...

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