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My Trout Management Wish List

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The MDC does a great job managing our trout streams, but I still like to harbor the delusion in my mind that I have a better plan, which is almost surely not the case. Here are a few suggestions of mine.

1. I'll start with an easy one: I'd like to see at least a short catch and release fly only area at the trout parks that don't already have one-I believe Bennett Spring and Maramec Spring are the guilty parties here. On Maramec Spring, I would make the stretch from the "legal fishing boundary" wire downstream to the first rock dam catch and release fly only. This is only a short stretch of water. It is immensely appealing to fly anglers, but difficult for bait guys to fish effectively anyway. I'm not sure where the C&R area should go on Bennett Spring, but I'm sure an appropriate place could be found.

2.I'd like to see one more trout stream managed as a wild trout, public access Blue Ribbon fishery in the near future. Possible candidates for this include Roubidoux Creek, Dry Creek (I know some possibly expensive land acquisitions would have to be made to make that work),or maybe one of the southwestern streams like Capps or Hickory.

3. I really wish they could find a way to stock between Pulltite and Akers on the Current. That is a stretch of stream with the potential to grow truly big trout if only they were stocked. Big numbers wouldn't be needed-just 2500 or so off the top of Montauk Park's fish would be plenty.

Well, I'm done playing fishery biologist for the evening. I hope this post provide others with entertainment if nothing else.

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I pretty much agree with everything you suggest. Particularly the trout parks. I think Bennett and Maramec could both do with a catch and release area. If you've read the recent posts on the Maramec forum then that park is a mess. And I have to say I've never enjoyed fishing there. I used to whenever I had business in St. Louis I would throw my gear in the car and try to stop by Maramec. But I don't even make the attempt anymore as its just not worth it to me. And it's evidently gotten worse.

The only other thing I would add is better enforcement of the current regs. I know that's been said before but I think that would be a real key to improving things.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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On Maramec Spring, I would make the stretch from the "legal fishing boundary" wire downstream to the first rock dam catch and release fly only. This is only a short stretch of water. It is immensely appealing to fly anglers, but difficult for bait guys to fish effectively anyway.

Last time I was there, that section was shoulder to shoulder bait fishermen. I walked the entire park that day, and I was the only, I repeat, ONLY person there with a fly rod. I haven't been back, and have no intention of returning. I have a feeling they won't be changing anything there, unfortunately.

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I dont think any part of a river should be "fly fishing only". I like the way AR does it and says only lures and no hook points.

You don't want any part of a river fly fishing only because you don't fly fish. Yet.

You mean "barbless" don't you? No "hook points" would be kinda useless.

I still think they should go back to "artificial lures with single point barbless hooks" though.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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I agree, I'd like to see more catch and release areas single point artificial, fly only(not fly fish only) I take my mom to tanny in the trophy waters and rig her up with a ultra light dead drift set up, and mini jigs. I wish more tickets were written for littering.


The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.

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Trout management in Missouri...

My idea is simple, if the fish cannot sustain themselves, let them die. Wasting money on an artificial fishery is just that, a waste. The few waters in Missouri that the state manages wild trout in, should remain, but the others should be allowed to pass. I realize that this is extreme and will never fly in Missouri, but oh well, that is how I would want it. The trout stocking has pushed native species out of some waters which has been well documented on here.

If the state keeps stocking all of these fish, they could make the section at Maramec above the wire open to fly fishing only, the spring down to the gauge house at Bennett fly fishing only and have a fly fishing only requirement in the C&R section at RRSP. It is currently flies only and as anyone knows, the definition of fly in Missouri is very liberal.

For adding a blue ribbon stream, it has to be a stream with natural reproduction. The Ruby doesn't fit and neither does Capps. I like fishing Capps a lot and will be fishing it this year again. There are only a few other streams that the state manages that have natural reproduction as it is now and I have my opinions on a few others which I will not mention on an open forum.


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I dont think any part of a river should be "fly fishing only". I like the way AR does it and says only lures and no hook points.

There's no such thing as "fly fishing only." You can use a marlin rod if you want, there just can't be a Rapala with a treble hook at the end of its line.

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As for what I'd like to see done with trout regulations, I'm pretty happy with the status quo. I'd like to learn more about the evaluations MDC did on redband trout in the past, and whether those studies should be revisited, as I imagine the technology used to rear fish has changed substantially in the past several decades, and using redband trout could be more feasible now.

I'd like to see more easements for wild trout water, if at all possible. I'm not a big fan of increasing stocking anywhere, unless it's accompanied with regs to make it more than just another put-and-take fishery, with hordes of folks chasing the stocking truck and fished out after a couple days.

Cutthroat would be interesting, although it's an idea I'm by no means wedded to. Although they are tougher to raise than rainbows or browns, they're also generally less selective. If that trait gets more folks into the sport, it may be worthwhile.

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