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Last Wednesday floated from Big Rock (just below 95 bridge) to Hodgson Mill with nothing but fly rods on board. Took a canoe and at 177 cfs were never forced to get out of the canoe due to low water. Even though I live only a few miles from "the Bryant" I usually focus my efforts on the trout of the North Fork. For those who have never been on the Bryant it is a magnificent river. Limited accesses and lack of outfitters will always keep this an overlooked gem of a smallmouth stream. Big gravelbars,sheer bluffs, sporty riffles, and deep holes filled with nice smallmouth make this as good as any warm water river in the state. We floated the day after the big cold front came through and while the fishing was slow the experience was as good as it gets. We should have taken spinning gear, but really wanted to only fly fish. We caught several small smallmouth, one nice largemouth and sunfish of every species along with a shiner or two. Bald eagles were everywhere along with migrating ducks and kingfishers. I have had some epic fishing days on this strech of river in the summertime, and while the fishing wasn't epic the trip was. Fall colors were at their peak we saw no other people (normal on the Bryant) and the beer was cold. Thankfully when this waterway was named they called it a creek instead of a river. I have had several people (you know who you are) turn down invitations to fish here because they expect too much dragging on a creek during low water. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of dragging during this dry spell, and look forward to getting back to the Bryant at a time when the fish are a little more cooperative.

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop


Bryant is very under-rated. It's a fantastic river or creek or whatever you feel like calling it. I never get the chance to fish it as much as I'd like to.

Good report!


Justin... SSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Dang it... Now EVERYbody will know about Bryant...



Good report... and you and Breth are right... This is a jewel overlooked by many...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


The difficulty of accessing the good parts as well as being far from most cities and lack of shuttle service (we charge big bucks to shuttle you there) should keep the Bryant from ever getting very busy, great river though and would be a great spring 2-3 day float. Don't tell anyone!

"The problem with a politician’s quote on Facebook is you don’t know whether or not they really said it." –Abraham Lincoln

Tales of an Ozark Campground Proprietor

Dead Drift Fly Shop


I have been wanting to go for a year now and haven't. Been way too busy I guess.

everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.


Bryant Creek is a hidden jewel and well worth my effort, I just have a hard time convincing someone to drive a second vehicle down with me for the shuttle. I think I need new fishing buddies!!! It's my wife favorite stream I have ever taken her to, she hammered some smallies there....I love Bryant.


Lemme know smalliebigs, I would be happy to.

Dude, anytime!!! I have trailers, canoes, kayaks and just bought a versa board it hasn't shipped yet though.The access on the Bryant isn't ideal but that is whay makes it killer if you ask me.PM me with some digits, let's do it!! my buddy is getting lazy these days, I'll go anywhere...especially Bryant, it's frigging sweet.

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