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Finally at the point to up grade from my long red aluminum boat.

I am wondering which most people prefer and why.

The 42 inch wide or the 48 inch wide?

I know the 48 will be more stable but the 42 seems fine. I know I will have to upgrade motor sizefromt he 15hp Merc I currently have if I go to 48.


On the white there is so much area that a 48 would work great. However, I would go with a 42 for those times when the river is really low or if you want to go up creeks/rivers like buffalo. I have. 36" boat and its stable enough for me. But I fish much smaller rivers too.

everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.


For times when the river is very low I have a narrow aluminum boat. with a 9.9 and I can put a 4 HP mariner on it for smaller water.



I fished out of riley's 48" js boat today and I was very happy with the stability and overal fishing ability of the boat. It was not as maneuverable as my 18x36" aluminum but the amazing stability made up for it.

everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.


I fish a Shawnee 48 with a Mercury 15 and I love it!

John Berry


Fly Fishing For Trout





Once I get my kids through college, I'd like to have one of each. Right now, I have a 42 inch Supreme with a Merc 20 Jet. I'm pretty fond of my setup as well.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


The one thing I wish I had more than anything is a jet unit for my 25hp merc. It took us probably 25 minutes to creep up buffalo shoals yesterday with the 9.9.

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I have a 1648 Blazer aluminum boat with a 25 4 stroke Merc jet. I love it and wouldn't fish anything else. I live in STL and fish many of the ozark streams such as Meramec, Gasconade, and White River Tailwaters. The ony negative (there has to be one) is that aluminum sticks on rocks. That is why I would never go bigger than a 25hp jet. That "chunk rock" is brutal on a boat. It's nice to have a friend with a tig welder.


I did notice that the fiberglass boat slid over rocks way better than my aluminum boat. That is easy to fix though

everything in this post is purely opinion and is said to annoy you.


I did notice that the fiberglass boat slid over rocks way better than my aluminum boat. That is easy to fix though

Yep, take all that wooden decking out and lighten it up by a couple hundred pounds.

There's a fine line between fishing and sitting there looking stupid.

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