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First Float Of 2011


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With the temperature going to be near 60 and the day off I had to get out for a float and some fishing. I needed it, the last two weeks of cold and snow had me down and I needed to get out of the city for at least a few hours. So, me and my girl decided to go on a little float on the James. We floated the old standby stretch of Delaware to Shelvin. It was a beautiful day, warm really. We both were getting pretty hot and were peeling off layers as soon as we got on the river. The fishing was slow which wasn't surprising at all. We only caught 3 fish between the both of us: 1 11.5" smallie, 1 13" LM and a 12" spot. They were caught on: Float and Fly with a brown buck tail, Pb&J jig 3/16 with a green pumpkin chigger, and a green pumpkin crawbug. We also saw an amazing diversity of bird life along the way including 3 different bald eagles, one in its second year plumage, that were stalking a flock of Gadwall's and Mallard's. Also saw all the common birds as well including: Belted Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Pileated Woodpecker, etc. It was a great day and I was surprised that we caught anything at all. This was the first time I used the float and fly technique and i enjoyed it very much and know that it is going to be a great way to catch fish in the future.






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I knew the Float n Flay would work Joe. Glad you guys got out and enjoyed the river. I do need to get me a canoe soon. I love your choice in fishing partners. Fishing with her would be good even if you caught nothing. :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Way to go Joe. Folks over in Tennesse swear by Float and Fly for winter smallmouth glad to see you you used it. What lenght rod did you use on the river?

I was using a 6.5' rod and it was a little short. I may need to break the 7' mark with the float and fly technique. With the 6.5' rod I was still able to get about a 2' leader and cast it pretty well.

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My wife is really jonesin to get some small mouth fishing in. Gonna have to quit chasing trout for a day or two and put her on some smalleys.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


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Hey, at least you got out. They should be on the suspending jerkbaits, too.

Yeah I was thinking about putting a jerkbait on but didn't because I wanted to dedicate the whole time to the float and fly. I have a bad habitat of trying a new technique for about 20 minutes then switching to a confidence bait if I haven't caught a fish on the new one. I'm trying to get over that.

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