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I was watching the trout cam this morning from the kickoff, and it was empty. It looked like one guy had the whole upper dam hole to himself. I wonder how packed the spring was or wasn't.


How high is the stream?

"Of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy."

"There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."


I didn't get down in the Park but river was high.My wife talked to a couple Guys earlier I would say they was Bait Fishing in the Park anyway they said the Stream was too high.


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I was there yesterday and it is high and rolling like chocolate milk, as far as visibility if you stand in 2-3 feet of water you can kinda see the rocks at your feet but that is it. When I left whistle bridge was still closed and the wood bridge is most certainly still closed. Before the water got up my buddy was tearing it up on cracklebacks on sinking line. Rule of the water whether cracklebacks or spinning rod is bright colors, after the water got up bright colors or dark woolies stripped on sinking line and along the bottom were virtually the only things working. I personally dusted off the old glo ball box and used the brightest colors I could find and then added the biggest splitshot I could find. I actually had to go buy bigger indicators in order to float all the weight. But the moral of the story was I was able to at least catch a few just dealing with the sore shoulder from throwing 5 pounds of lead across the stream all day with a 5 wt.


I was there yesterday and it is high and rolling like chocolate milk, as far as visibility if you stand in 2-3 feet of water you can kinda see the rocks at your feet but that is it. When I left whistle bridge was still closed and the wood bridge is most certainly still closed. Before the water got up my buddy was tearing it up on cracklebacks on sinking line. Rule of the water whether cracklebacks or spinning rod is bright colors, after the water got up bright colors or dark woolies stripped on sinking line and along the bottom were virtually the only things working. I personally dusted off the old glo ball box and used the brightest colors I could find and then added the biggest splitshot I could find. I actually had to go buy bigger indicators in order to float all the weight. But the moral of the story was I was able to at least catch a few just dealing with the sore shoulder from throwing 5 pounds of lead across the stream all day with a 5 wt.

My dad uses a fly in colored water and any time in any deep hole (with sinking line) at Bennet. It is a greenie weenie with no tail and wrapped in grizzly olive hackle. I can't figure out what is matches and how the fish see's it in dark green water, but it works. It is an easy tie and his go to fly. He does a count down until he figures out what level they are hitting at. Sometimes its five seconds and sometimes its 40 seconds. Then he finger wraps it in upstream.


my favorites are the san juan worm, and the BH wooly bugger, especially during high and of colored water

Luke Walz

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