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That was todays flow through BSD. 6 units and 17 gates at 2 1/2 feet open. Gastons lost their dock as did Stetsons, Stetson has water in their main lodge. Several homes are flooded.

The park in Cotter is closed. Wildcat is up tot he bottom of the sign, the sign post are in about 3 feet of water.

Whitehole is within just a few feet of the outhouses that are up on the high bank.

Stetson has water over the swimming pool several feet and way over the berm.

The old water or tree lines is 10-12 feet underwater.

Blue Heron Comp ground office is 50 feet or more into the water. 2008 they were able to sandbag around it, but not this time.

The campground on the southside of the river at Cotter is to the tops of the power boxes.

I dont know the number of feet but the old turntable railroad bridge would have to turn today to lett a 35 ft barge with fly bridge through.

I will try to get pics tomorrow.

58,500cfs is 37 Olympic swimming pools a minute, the current inflow to Bull Shoals is rated at 97,000cfs. Talkis they may have to go to 120,000cfs if the rain does not let off.

Bull Shoals Lake Top Flood Pool: 695.0

White River Top Power Pool: 654.0

(BSGA4) Bottom Power Pool: 628.5

26MAY2011 2000 696.24 468.43 11714 198

26MAY2011 2100 696.25 468.46 tailwater levels

this is how much it went up the last hour.


  • Root Admin

Chance of rain Saturday. Then no rain all next week. This will give time for all the lakes to drop but only to the point where the Corp will hold them again. Maintain till the lower Mississippi Valley drains out.

Can anyone find in the news where there's estimates when this may be?

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Worse, Buffalo river has been way up and for a long time and Crooked Creek is still running heavy. Riley's has been offline for a while now. I will go down and look them over this weekend.







Hurst Fishing Service


Stetson's office


Stetson's Dock.



White Hole ramp.




Sportsman's dock





At the Narrows Walk in Area.











Gaston's Dock.



Sorry if you have dial up!


Lots of damage. I dont know if we will go out on the river tomorrow or Monday. One guide told me he caught several limits of fish without leaving the parking lot.


Thanks for posting Taxi.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

  • Members

I dont really blame you for posting those photos and I believe it is your right. That said, folks in the area would appreciate less hype. As of yesterday, neither gastons or stetsons lost their dock. Stetsons dock did sustain a lot of damage to be sure. Those folks plan on salvaging much of it. Its probably half damaged. It didnt float down the river, that's for sure. And i'm actually amazed that gastons hasnt sustained more damage to theirs. A dock supposedly floated into it but I don't know about that, didn't see it. Also, I'm sure there is talk about all kinds of things but with all due respect that is ridiculous. The total cfs including the units, has been 60k cfs for days now. That's the highest it got, thank the lord. I know the bulletin may have confused some folks with the article the other day. Yes, there was damage, it could have been much worse, folks will be back to normal before you know it as soon as the water goes down. I expect the river will be better than ever if 08 is any indication.


I have been out on the river GUIDING clients the last three days and can tell you the fishing is better than in 08 better than in the early nineties better than in the eighties when we had the flood gates running. For all you people who haven't made your living at guiding the White this water is intimadating. For those of us who have seen this kind of water at least 50 or more days and fished that many days or more we know that this is some of the BEST Fishing you can ever see on the river. I have also been on the lake all last week and have been catching 20-50 pound stringers of fish with up to seven species caught in one day so don't listen to the rookies and go out with a REAL Professional guide and see just how great the fishing truly is right now! Hotdawg!

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