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  • Root Admin

Table Rock Asphalt Co has applied for a renewal permit to take gravel from Taneycomo... expanding their territory up past highway 65 bridge to above Lilleys. We are about mile 523.6- they want to go up to mile 524.1.

Here's the link to the permit site.


I just heard about it. If it was in the papers, it was missed. Talk to Lee Schoonover and he said any comments are still helpful in their decision, even though the comment period has ended.

He said TRA and MDC are meeting right now and hashing out their differences. He also said that the Corp is the deciding agency and if MDC feels taking gravel in this area of the lake hurts the fishery, they wouldn't allow dredging. He also said TRA may pull their request if MDC provides this evidence.

I honestly don't know enough facts about it to say one way or the other. I will dig alittle deeper and see what I can find out.

More later...

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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Takes shuffling to a whole new level. What about the impact on existing businesses as a deciding factor. I would think this could have a negative impact on the fishing at your resort and those around you.

“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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wow, looks like the Branson landing will have less prop eating gravel bars if that happens

MONKEYS? what monkeys?


I would think that this would be a real indicator of how much importance Branson puts on the Taneycomo fishing industry.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

  • Root Admin

Interesting factors-

#1 This has been kept quiet. Haven't seen it in the papers. Notice went out in May and the public notice sent by without any comments.

#2 As far as I know, the city of Branson has not commented. Don't know if they even know.

#3 TRA dredged upper Taneycomo back in the glory days (60's & 70's and well into the 80's). Did it hurt the fishery then?

#4 Just how many "bugs" live in this part of the lake? Midges- yes. Scuds - haven't seen many. I understand they don't do well in water over 6 feet deep. BUT back in the 60's they could be found THICK down in the Branson area. I have a friend who worked at the Sammy Lane Dock and he said they used to cling to the foam floatation. They used to jump and knock them off and the trout would go into a feeding frenzy. He used to catch 5 pound rainbows all day off the dock. That was mid to late 60's.

On the surface, it sounds like a bad idea. I'm still waitng on a reply from MDC on their offical position and why.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Scary. I just can't think of any reason gravel mining would NOT harm the stream. Same senario's on the Crooked Creek. We all know how destructive those mining operations were to that blue ribbon fishery.

And now they are wanting to do it again on Crooked. If there was a legitimate reason for the dredging to open the waterway for larger vessels, etc...but to simply find a cheaper source of building material while endangering this jewel makes no sense to me. Just my opinion. Phil thanks for pointing it out. Dano

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Phil may be right; it may not be as bad as it sounds. What upsets me is the sneaky way they have went about it. Obviously public notices were not put where they were highly visible. That in itself puts a bad light on the whole thing.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Root Admin

This is bigger that I thought. I still have requests out for documentation but have rec'ved more calls from fisheries/MDC saying MDC might "roll over" on this one. Fisheries is definately against the move above the bridges and site a study that's 10 years old stating this part of the lake is crucial for the gammarus population on Taney. The political powers at MDC say the study is out dated and dredging may not hurt the fishery.

So throw out all I said about what MDC may say about this permit. They may ok the move which would, according to fisheries, devestate the gammarus population and hurt our trout fishery.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg



Don't they have to schedule public hearings in these matters. Wonder if Missouri TU has any influence.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Maybe you could plant a bug with Steve Brigman to write something about it.

You could also contact Watershed Committee of the Ozarks (http://www.watershedcommittee.org/), James River Basin Partnership (http://www.jrbp.missouristate.edu/), or White River Basib Partnership http://www.whiteriverbasin.org though I think it's down).

I would think they'd all have something to say about. But if MDC is rolling over, there might not be anything left to do.

“Many go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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