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Saw some photos on a different board, anyone know exactly where Mendez(sp) ran aground? They said it was a mud flat, did'nt know the rock had any mud flats down in the darn area or any area for that matter.


Bet he feels like an idiot. Thats the earthen berm they built by spillway. It has lighted bouys out in front of it , but launching at Moonshine he didnt see it going into the back of the cove. I put in there that morning but didnt notice that going on. Thats where the shoot fireworks off at on the 4th.

Dennis Boothe

Joplin Mo.

For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing

in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~ Winston Churchill ~


It said on the PAA website he was going to the launch ramp? Just how fast do you have to be going to beach a boat that far on land? And do they not realize we have a 30mph afterdark or before daylight speed limit? Just one guy a WONDERIN?? TR


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