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This past weekend I was able to do some diving at BSSP as part of the annual stream cleanup. Myself and two friends requested the spring hole so that we could do some exploring of the cave while we were there (we're all cave certified , just in case you were wondering). We had a great time , enjoying several dives and cleaning up our section of stream as well. I was able to take the camera into the beginning stages of the cavern and get a few shots and I also spent some time watching fish feed and move around in the section just downstream of the spring. If you're interested in seeing a few underwater pics of the spring hole and a couple of fish shots too I have a couple posted on my blog....Jeff



So I've got a question- can you wade out to the sand bars, or is it too deep? Those photos almost make me want to head back to Bennett with a full-sink line and some flashy streamers. They also make me wanna get cave certified, and a dry suit.


WARNING!! Comments to be interpreted at own risk.

Time spent fishing is never wasted.


Very neat. I've always wanted to do this since I seen pictures back when I was younger! I will hopefully get certified one day and do it.


Thanks for all the great comments guys , glad you enjoyed the pictures. It's an experience that I would recommend to anyone who's a certified diver and likes to trout fish. Obviously entering the cavern isn't allowed unless you're qualified but the spring is diveable by open water divers who can experience the clear water and chance to swim with lots of trout in an easily accessible area. You can only dive on weekends during the C&R season and you must call ahead and register with the MDC as well as proivide the proper documentation.

Kayser - to answer your question , the sandbars pictured are surrounding the spring hole and are usually too deep to wade to but are within casting distance. The water is fairly shallow until you drop into the spring and then it opens up into a deep wide cavern , which is where the pics of all the fish come from. Lots of folks use heavy weight and big egg patterns or white yarn flies as evidenced by the miles of mono and hundreds of these flies that we drug out of the spring hole.....Jeff


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