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I came across this map that I have saved from many years ago. If I recall I bought it when I was probably 12 or 13 in Rolla, MO circa 1979 - 1980 (just a guess). The map references details about our Ozark trout waters.

Im really glad I held onto it . In fact, if you look close enough you can see some of my handwritten notes on favorite parts of these streams that I fished with my father growing up.

The map pictures Tom Shipley and references his fly shop Ozark Mountain Sports Outfitters. It's titled a guide to Trophy Trout Streams.

I was wondering if any of you had seen it or knew of Tom and his shop OMSO.

I can trace some of my early love and wonder for our rivers back to this map (remember pre-internet here). As a kid of 12 or so I thought at the time it was a real treasure map.

On the map, Tom, writes about naturally reproducing Ozark trout. You can tell he has a real appreciation for what we hold dear.

The map includes the following quote.

"The Ozark Mountains and her rivers make up a beautiful but fragile environment. Please treat them with repsect."

Tom Shipley

If anyone knows more about Tom and his store I'd love to hear more. Also tell him thanks from me. It is Thanksgiving after all.

Ray Riedy





"The Ozark Mountain and her rivers make up a beautiful but fragile environment. Please treat them with repsect."

Amen to that.


i met tom in the early 80's and also his music partner Brewer in his store. his map was the catalyst that really got me into fly fishing for trout in the ozarks and led to my meeting the McKee family on this river. now they are great friends, always greeting me with a big hug. my son Rusty guides for Myron and i regard the nfow as the greatest trout stream in the state. wild trout, clear water, towering bluffs, bald eagles, flowering dogwoods, what's not to love?

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That map is uber cool. Think about framing it and hanging it on a wall.


The pursuit of Ozark trout on the fly.




I met him a couple years ago- he works for the UMR campus in Rolla now as a videographer or something. Didn't know he was into fishing, but that's probably a good thing- that could've led to a few hours of conversation.


WARNING!! Comments to be interpreted at own risk.

Time spent fishing is never wasted.


Greetings Ray,

I assume you realize that Tom and his musical partner Mike Shipley are incredibly well-respected songwriters, producing some of the best known folk music of our time. I met Tom in the mid-70's when I was a student at the University of Missouri - Rolla School of Mines (now Missouri Institute of Science and Technology). He would go rock climbing with Dieter Becker, a friend of ours from the KMNR radio station. At that time, Tom ran his fly shop out of the old Greyhound bus station in Rolla. He and Mike would play unannounced in small Rolla venues as a warm-up before tours. He even came out to the Mine Shaft to hear our college band play one night - incredibly generous with his encouragement. He could choose to live anywhere in the world, and picks the Ozarks !

Tom has been passionate about the environment (Eco-Catastrophe Blues) and contributed proceeds to a song (Stop the Dam) that was part of the effort to keep the Merimac River and its wild trout tributaries from becoming an empoundment. I am passing through Newberg on my way back home to StL as I type this, and believe that Tom still lives in the area. I believe he has a personal website that should be easy to find - am sure he would like to hear from you.

-Bob in Dallas

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A quick search turned this up......http://www.brewerandshipley.com/Bios&Liners/Bios_Tom_Bio.htm

You might recognize one of his songs....."One Toke over the Line"


The pursuit of Ozark trout on the fly.




Candy and I saw Brewer and Shipley at the Focal Point in St. Louis a year ago or so. They said the Lawrence Welk show did "One Toke" back in 1971. It is on YouTube and it is hilarious.

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