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Hummingbird Down Images

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We hit the water about noon today.

I thought we would chunk and winds some crankbaits for a while.

Immediately, I started fooling around with the HB in attempt to record images.

After 20 minutes, I was able to take a few shots.

Then went back to cranking as I had one eye peeled on the HB screen.

We were scanning a bluffwall when I noticed a very large return on the image.

Right away, I knew it was a massive spoonbill, maybe 80-100lbs.

Within 100 yards I saw 5 of the bohemoths.

Attached are shots of the spoonbills, some standing timber, a logjam, and an old bridge piling.

Very cool stuff, I didnt even care that we zeroed on the bass today.








Just a dumb question. Isn't "downscan" and "sidescan" two different (but similar) deals ? Is this a downscan or sidescan ? Or am I misimformed ? Just wondering because I'm thinking of taking the plunge into a new sonar. I'm running Lowrance big screens now, but from way back when they were the hot deal. About 2004 or 2005....


Martin they are tow diffrent things. Both work like a down scan for simple explanation. if you look at the 32.2 ft picture he had you can clearly see the tail defined and the body profile. that is what sidescan does for you. It really enhances your view of the structure.


How do you dump all your gps coord. into a file that can be used for mapping? Google earth..Bing Maps, etc

I dont want to plug in gps coord for 2 hours.

Also, I jacked around with settings for a while and had to reset back to default.

Then set the sensitivity to 5/10,

Theres a way to fine tune this rig, so the skin of catfish is more defined.


How do you dump all your gps coord. into a file that can be used for mapping? Google earth..Bing Maps, etc

I dont want to plug in gps coord for 2 hours.

Save your file to an SD card. Then you can load them to your computer by putting the card in a card reader. If you mapping program can read the HB gpx files then you are set to go. If not then use easy gps or gps babel and convert them to what the program uses.


Thanks for sharing those images Trophy. Very cool so see that spoonbill. My dream bassboat would have a DI on the front and an SI in the console.


I have seen Spoonbill jump in Table Rock didn't know there were any left in Beaver but after looking up your GPS location it looks like they might be on a spawning run. That is really cool.

The problem I have seen with most SI & DI units is the size of the screen, if you have a 5in screen you can't see much until you record the images and look at the on a bigger screen. I don't understand why a 10in screen for a sonar is as much as a 60in HD TV. But I can wait for the next big tech advance then I will be able to afford what I want now, heck I just got my first flat panel TV last month.lol


Next big advance? Maybe 3D DI and SI, course you'd have to wear the 3D glasses, maybe they'll come out with polarized 3D glasses, LOL.

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