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We live by Kirksville, MO in the northeastern part of the state. We are very novice when it comes to camping but something we think we wanna get into moreso this year. The question is does anyone know of secluded spots, we dont need any kind of hookups or anything like that, that would make for a good night of fishing/camping that isnt THAT far from us(within a couple hours)? I use to do this at the strip pits in SE Kansas when I was younger with my dad. Only thing there was a tiny parking lot/ramp at each pit and we could set up in the lot there. Thanks.


Many state parks have "primitive" camping spots. I think this is what your describing. You may also be able to go to land owned privately and camp if you get permision from the landowners. ( it can be hard to find who owns what )

Here is a link to the MDC for conservation areas, just browsing I found that Mineral Hills may fit your question.


Select Region as North East and then search.

Hope it helps you out. Have fun out there.

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


I wouldn't call it secluded, but Crowder state park outside Trenton never seems to be very busy. There's a nice small lake there also.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


The lake/pond in Union Ridge has big lot you can camp on and sometimes the fishing can be good there. LaPlata, Memphis, Sears Lake, Green City/ Green Castle, ect. Give me a call be glad to discuss more.

I have camped on the swim docks at Thousand Hills, really nice in the summer, no bugs and kinda cool to wake up on an island.


Messing about in boats

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