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I am heading to Stockton Lake two weeks from Thursday. What impact has the rain had on the lake? Do you think it will help or hurt the fishing? Any areas I should avoid? I am hoping to get my granddaughters on to some bass and crappies. Not sure what the walleyes will be doing. Everything seems to be early this year. Just joined the forum and have enjoyed reading the blogs.


I'm headed up there tomorrow and will give you a report. My guess is that this rain is really going to start to turn these fish ON!


I'm headed up there tomorrow and will give you a report. My guess is that this rain is really going to start to turn these fish ON!

I agree!! I also am planning on heading up there tomorrow. I plan on driving around a little and will post a report on what I see.


I'm not sure the exact time they post the lake level, but when I clicked on the top link Corp Site as of March 21 the level had risen to 866. Would think today would show at least another foot. Take in mind this would be about a 2' rise from last week. Straw hat is probably right about the impact on fishing, but it might take a day or two for some of the fish to reorient. The crappie fishing and Walleye fishing would be hard pressed to be as good as last week. Caught limits of crappie and several nice Walleye last week in 3-6 foot of water on jigs and roadrunners. Also as a bonus caught about 20 bass (5) of which were 15" while crappie fishing gravel banks. I don't know if the lake has reached the buckbrush, but if it has the bass fishing should be really good. This water rise if held should really help the spawn. The majority of the crappie caught last week were Black Crappie and the eggs were pretty well devloped.


One thing I might suggest. When more than two of us go out in a boat,(boat had two livewells) like last week you need to have a way to identify your fish in the livewell. I take a stringer and put the fish I catch on it.


The "Daily Info" page on Stockton for today (( http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/st/daily.cfm )) says:

Lake level = 866.64 and water temp = lake-53, river-54

With one live well in my boat -- I use small brass "Saftey pins" from Wally-World ; (a pack of 50= $ 0.69) to identify the second person's fish......

"Look up OPTIMIST in the dictionary - there is a picture of a fishing boat being launched"


Started the day off at Maze Creek and was surprised that the water temp was only 54. Water was a little dingy but not bad. Fished a couple shallow brush piles without a hit. Moved to the very back of a nearby side cove. Thought maybe a few cats or bass may have moved in there to feed. I fished large minnows and nightcrawlers. Managed to pick up a 3 lb channel and a 3 and 2 pound largemouth in the first 20 minutes. All fish were 5 to 7’ deep not far from where the runoff was coming in. Water temp in the back of the cove was 50!! Fished there another 2 hours without another hit. Moved to a cove just south of Ruark. Water was clear but still only 52! Fished two more shallow brush piles without a hit. Drove to CC. Water was very muddy and a little light debri on the surface. Water temp was 52, this same place was running around 60 last Saturday. I met a guy there with a limit of crappie. He said he had traveled north from CC until he found clearer and warmer water (58) and limited out in 1 ½ hours. According to the USGS website Turnback is up 3 ½ feet and dropping. It was very muddy when I crossed the 160 bridge. Little Sac is up 2 feet and dropping. Big Sac is up 2 ½ feet and holding steady.

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