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Ok I need a little help. I bought a four piece 8wt St. Croix. This is my first four piece rod and I am no expert on any fly rod. Upon opening this up there is a little black case with a very hard piece of wax that is supposed to be for waxing up the male ends of the rod. After shrugging this step off a few times, today it caught up with me. I had to work pretty hard to get the rod taken down. My question is, how do you apply this wax? Heat it up with a lighter? Is there another option out there for this or any tricks? I would appreciate any advice if it's out there.


I do not know about the wax, but Daddy taught me to use the skin oil from beside your nose to lube the male ends before you assemble the rod. Very hillbilly, but it always has worked for me.


I always thought waxing your fly rod was a euphemism. :secret-laugh:

"Thanks to Mother Mercy, Thanks to Brother Wine, Another night is over and we're walking down the line" - David Mallett


Wax on, wax off....

Just rub some on and thats it....Its probably parrafin canning wax, available at any grocery store.



You don't need anymore then what you can rub from your finger. Don't over do the connections, snug is the level and then check once after a few casts to make sure none have loosened.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.

Wrench I don't think he was talking about the stuff inside the nose, but let me know how the snot works. I would try it on your buddies gear first.


Wax on, wax off....

Just rub some on and thats it....Its probably parrafin canning wax, available at any grocery store.


The stuff that I have (Osprey ferrule wax) has cotton in it. Chuckie, the most knowledgable flyrod man on the face of the earth told me it was the only ferrule wax worth buying. FWIW

I do like it, and only have to wipe clean and reapply about every 5-6 trips.

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