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UNBELIEVABLE! I'm having a problem understanding where you're coming from. What's your plan to determine who gets to fish and who doesn't? You don't fish it anymore for crappie because too many others do? Natural, it's man made, there's no natural left!

At least when you go north people will surely appreciate the extra space available on the lake, to many people fising it already. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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How long have you been going out there Bill? I remember going out there quite often in the late 70s and 80s and it could get crowded on nice weekends. Sailboats, canoes, lines of boats putting in at the ramp, and yes, folks bank fishing in one spot all day. Whats wrong with that? Its 5 minutes from a population of 300,000 people.

The marina has been there a long time and it sounds like they're just giving it a fresh coat of paint and replacing a few old boats. I hardly think thats going to start a stampede of folks heading out there.

P.S. -- If a few extra people fishing Fellows causes you to want to quit fishing it altogether and go fish the northern states . . . . well then, good for you! Enjoy the 12-14 hour drive just to get there. You could make a run to Fellows, fish all day, come home and cut the grass and watch a ballgame before you even fill that 3rd tank of gas on your way up there!

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Wow, you just don't get it and probably never will... There is no plan, I really don't care who fishes it, cause after the lake becomes more popular, more boat traffic, more pollution and more people hogging areas for hours I'm never going back... Fellows is man made, duh. That doesn't mean it has to be exploited or turned into a recreational lake for pontoon boats, kayakers, water skiers, etc, etc. Fellows used to be great years ago, but is now just a shadow of it's former self, but you probably haven't been fishing long enough to remember that...

Yep, some of those northern lakes are great, most people up there actually have respect for the environment, for other fishermen and for the sport fish they chase after. Down here it's all about exploitation, ignorance and selfishness.



You're killing me!

Last I checked, Fellows Lake was Springfield's drinking water supply holding tank. Some of the water is even pumped in from Stockton Lake and held there. I don't think there are any plans to allow water skiing or swimming. Do they allow jet ski's -- I don't know.

Them evil new marina owners are exploiting it and gonna be millun-aires! :secret-laugh: :secret-laugh:


I guess I'm just not intimidated by others on man made lakes. Table Rock isn't as crowded as some would have you believe and I don't thibk Fellows is either. I see it as a good thing that there is more to Fellows then a bowl to store water in.

I can't comment on the not fishing long enough because I don't know how old you are, but for me, I can't remember, to long ago. Unlike many I can't even remember my first fish, but it was probably a black perch and I probably had help. :lol: I'll be you haven't fished to much longer than I have though.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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Bill, I have no doubt you've been fishing longer than me. I'm only 23. So you got me there. Congratulations on being born before me. You're absolutely right though. Recreational boaters that have no interest in fishing have no business being on public water. Oh wait... that's just ridiculous. To think that is just "rude selfish and dumb." Note that I'm just using words that you freely throw out at people who just want to fish, just like you. If everyone thought that way, nobody would enjoy their time spent on the water. So just stop fishing at Fellows if it's going to rub you the wrong way. I'd hate to have to deal with you on the water, so I'd just rather you not be there. See how dumb that sounds?

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Lake Activities at a Glance

Activities are allowed if "Yes" is indicated below, but additional conditions may apply Activity Fellows Lake

& Grounds McDaniel Lake

& Grounds Valley Water Mill

& Grounds Lake Springfield

(Water Only) Alcohol ATV's Bank Fishing Yes Yes

Upstream from Grant St Bridge Yes Yes BBQ Grills Provided Yes Yes Belly Boat Fishing Boat Ramp Yes

By Marina Only Yes

Southwood Boat Rentals Yes

At Marina (d) Boating Yes

(a, B)

40 horsepower limit Yes

6 horsepower limit

No permit required Bow Fishing Campfires (d) Camping (d) Canoes/Kayak Yes

(a) Yes Duck Hunting

(in season) Yes

Contact MO Dept of Conservation Fireworks Fishing in Waders Greenways Trail Yes Yes (d) Horseback Riding Hunting

(other than duck) Contact MO Dept of Conservation Ice Skating Kite Boards Night Fishing Yes

Bank only east end Yes

Bank only upstream

from Grant St Bridge Yes Paddle Boats Yes

(a) Yes Pavilion Reservations (d) Pavilions Yes (d) Personal Water Craft Playground Yes (d) Sail Boats Yes

(a) Yes Swimming or Wading Tube Fishing Tubing Water Skiing Yes

© Weapons Windsurfing

(a) - Permit Required. Available at Fellows Lake Marina for $35/year.

(B) - Jet drive motors or any other motor modifications do not apply in determining the hp requirements.

© - Skiing permitted May 15 - Oct. 1, in defined area, Monday & Wednesday 2pm until one hour before sundown. Saturday & Sunday 10am-3pm. Contact Marina for details at 833-2058.

(d) - Contact Springfield-Greene County Park Board (SGCPB) for information at 864-1049 or Boathouse & Marina at 891-1550 or www.parkboard.org.

Not to add fuel to Bill's fire, but you can water ski at Fellows. But seriously Bill, Fellows lake is 1000 acres, and if you cant find someplace quiet to fish, i'll be glad to give you the first 20 dollars to fill your gas tank to go up north.

There's a place for all god's creatures...................right next to the fries and tartar sauce.


an answer to the whole thing is buy 100 acres of land at $$1,900 per acre, Hire a company to do a perk test and if it will hold water hire a surveyor and a dozier, . Put in a 25 or 50 acre lake. fence it in Stock it YOURSELF, Post it and guard it. Allow NO Fishing, Picnicking, No NOTHING! Get your boat and cooler and enjoy the peace & Quiet. NOTE: Let no one know the location or the place will be over run with folks looking for what you have. Just saying!!

Take a Child Fishing they are the future of the sport.


Fellows lake?? oh I heard of that place. Nobody goes there anymore cause it's too crowded!!!

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I don't know what you're getting your panties in a bunch about. I read the entire article and I see nothing that even suggests that Fellows is gearing to become the next mecca for fishing, sailing and skiing enthusiasts. I don't know if you've noticed in all your years of fishing, but tell me something. How many skiers have you seen towed by a 40hp motor? Your comment, "I don't want to be one of those jerks that sits in one area for hours on end while other people are trying to fish there. It' called being rude, selfish and dumb" is absolutely ludicrous! Everyone is entitled to an opinon, even a bad one. But that comment just made you rude, selfish and dumb. I don't know how old you are and I don't care. Myself, let's just say I've been fishing over 50 years and I think that gives me the right and the credibility to make my point if counting "pole hours" in the water puts me in the same "league" as you. Personally, I don't think that time served on the water makes anybody any smarter...just sayin'. I'm gonna end this on the note that I respect your right to your opinion AND your right to voice it. But to get mad because others don't agree that you have the right to shove it down people throats, well, I'm going to requote you, that's just "rude, selfish and dumb. I say let's get back to talking about fishing on this forum and confront the "other concerns" with City Utilities.

God is my Pilot! I'm just riding "shotgun".

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