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I went to Lake Springfield today since we got some pretty decent rain over the weekend and a cold front. I got there and saw the lake was about as low as it was last time I went out 2 weeks ago. The fishing was a little better than it was 2 weeks ago but still fairly slow. I caught a few decent size channel cats and quite a few tiny ones. I'm just amazed though the the water level really hasn't changed, not even the flow in the James, was the soil so dry it just absorbed it all and didn't run off into the waterways? Anyway okay day, nothing great.

was the soil so dry it just absorbed it all and didn't run off into the waterways?

I think you hit it on the head. It is not just the soil, but the aquifer is also dry so the springs are dry or running light.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


yep, it will take a good 3 to 6 inch area wide rainfall to get any serious flows going again. Maybe we can get a tropical depression to head up the Mississippi Valley in the next couple of months.


Where are all the hurricanes when you need them?

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


Theres a few moving into the gulf area in the next couple days.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


all the hot air from the politicians has screwed up the weather patterns

You got that right

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I went out this morning. It has picked up some. I caught 2 catfish(one channel and one flathead) each around 18" or a little under. I caught another channel around 14" and several tiny ones. I was out there from around 5:45a to 10a and nobody else came out during that entire time! It wasn't even 80 degrees when I left just perfect fishing weather I can't believe no one else came out( I was by the plant). In general it is still a little slow, although it has picked up, it's not as active as it was during the spring but I don't think it ever is this time of year.


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