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I took a couple of days off and decided to come down and fish - I figure that I trout would be as good to eat as turkey for the holidays....good thing I brought bologna other wise I would have starved to death.

Not really....I did put on a few extra pounds just in case something like this happened :secret-laugh:

Not that I didn't catch any it was the ones that I caught were few and far between and small - also I decided to challenge myself and not use any power bait or live bait. ( I noticed a couple of guides were using worms and there were a couple of boats using red/white power bait and were catching quite a few)

I started out Wednesday in the p.m. jig fishing from Falls Creek to Cooper (this is where I fished the entire time) jig fishing staying on the bottom ( tan / orange head) there was no generation and I only managed to get a couple of strikes - I knew it was tough when the dock guys told me that they had fished all day with only 2 fish.

Thursday I wanted to work on jig fishing with a float and tried olive micro jigs, watermelon flake trout magnet, then I went to white all with limited success - it did get better when they started to run water. I did change up often and I picked up a small white and brown jig and caught a nice brown before he snapped me off at the boat (DANG that 2lb line!!!!)

Friday was brutal with the wind, combined with the cold made for a very tough day - only three to the boat using the same colors as Thursday before I had to come in and warm up and watch some football.

After the game I couldn't bring myself to get back out - then the wuss factor kicked in as I did see Bill earlier in the day with some clients heading up lake - I didn't think to much about it until I was on my way back from getting coffee around 4 and he was just pulling out of Coopers.....holy thermal underwear Batman that guy is tough. I bet it took him until this morning to it thaw out!

I hope this helps those that might be going out the next few days as I see the weather is going to warm a be a bit warmer today - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


A Cornhusker

  • Root Admin

Babler should chime in... he said yesterday was also brutal fishing conditions and from what I saw from my back window, straight north wind and rolling waves meant getting out would be a chore to say the least.

Tony Weldele brought in a client who caught a nice rainbow. Said he caught it on a sculpin jig, no float (I think) and I assume he caught it above Fall Creek. Regardless, very nice catch especially in those conditions.


Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


boy that is a little chubber! If you squished all of my fish together it might add up to that one.

You are right that is a great fish given the conditions


A Cornhusker

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