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THis spring, I will have a friend working up in Ft Leonard Wood, and it appears that Gasconade River is the closest body of water between there and Springfield. I have never fished the Gasconade, so wanted any insight one may be willing to share of the body of water, and the fish-ability (if that is a word). We have a small 10' john boad, but dont mind walking the bank either. Not too picky on species either, we just really enjoy fishing together and need to find a middle road on where?

I saw Hazelgreen access right off hwy44, is it worth a shot? What kind of fish can you find on this river, and what is worth using?

Thanks in advance


I haven't fished it yet, but was reading about it last night. So... look for advice from others, but if your friend can sign you on, try fishing the water on the Fort.

It's a pretty good area. Depending on water levels you won't be able to go far above or below the access. Best bet is a float out of Gasconade Hills. They will take good care of you.

You will find largemouth, spots and smallmouth and plenty of goggle-eye.

Very good, thank you! So safe to assume then that good 3/0 hook and some plastics (babay paca's, hula grubs, etc), couple roostertails, 3" grubs, and a frog or zarra spook would be a decent arsenal to start with?


The Osage Fork is nearby and it's friendly to small crafts also. There are some fords that can be reached by going south of old 66. You could paddle upstream from them. You should be able to find them and Osage Fork accesses on the internet.

Be careful with the 10' jon, I've had a lot of experience with one and they can be tippy if you aren't cautious. I would be careful running shoals in one if y'all aren't real small. It's also a good idea to run with the bow pointed upstream in order to get better control.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


great info guys, thanks so much


I've used missouricanoe.org before also. Gavin, what's the best way to check on accesses there if you're not local? I'm thinking probably best to stick to MDC accesses. Anyone have any luck with Google Earth in determining likely access points listed on that site?

Sorry for the thread jacking! To keep it semi-relevant, I will say I went through Gasconade Hills and had a very good experience. I would use them again.

"Thanks to Mother Mercy, Thanks to Brother Wine, Another night is over and we're walking down the line" - David Mallett

I've used missouricanoe.org before also. Gavin, what's the best way to check on accesses there if you're not local? I'm thinking probably best to stick to MDC accesses. Anyone have any luck with Google Earth in determining likely access points listed on that site?

Sorry for the thread jacking! To keep it semi-relevant, I will say I went through Gasconade Hills and had a very good experience. I would use them again.

I find this an appropriate time and direction for the conversation, Jack...I will await the comments with you!


I use google earth to scout new locations alot...but but it does not beat a drive by.......Download MDC's Google Earth KMZ file from their website and it will show you all the MDC river access points & CA's along with a link to an area map & area regulations. More research is usually required for potential access at state, county & municipal parks.

USGS has a google earth patch that will show you stream guages...plus free topo maps can be downloaded from the USGS Store..print em yourself in whatever size you want.

Missouri Highway Department also has county by county road maps in pdf format...Its a good supplement to a Delorme Gazateer...helps a bit with local road & place names but not geographic details.

I'm sure there are other sites out there...but these are some favs...


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