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Anyone seen how much water the rivers are discharging after the rain yesterday? I was down in Branson today and the creeks and rivers were Rollin pretty good down that way.


I just checked the USGS websites. All three tributaries of Stocton (Turnback, Little Sac and Big Sac) went up between 1 foot and 1 1/2 foot, have crested and are now declining. The problem is that the Corp kept running water during this time and the lake only gained 1"!!! Currently at 860.21. I can only think that the Corp wants this water in the Missouri River to help out its level.


Didn't know our governments owned the water that God gives the people. As they can"t foretell the future weather patterns very well anyway, I guess from their decisions the people should know that any current or future droughts will be nonexistent. Just flush it man.

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.-- Mark Twain

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Don't forget our friends at the City of Springifeld. They are running pumps to fellows lake so the people in Springfield can water their yards. Every year they pump many million gallons.



If you want to know how serious the water situation can get just check into the laws concerning trapping water, drilling for water, or getting permission for other than animals to have water for their needs in "low rainfall states".

We are looking for alternative fuels such as tall woody grasses to be made into pellets to burn at Generating plants that presently use coal... and yet we did not look far enough down the road to trap, retrap, and retrap the water we use for hydrogeneration.

As I stated earlier we also waste water that we are going to process and clean by pumping it into another area where evaporation and absorbtion take their toll.

It seems like "Quick Fix" and "Quick Profits on amount invested" have an enourmous influence on us humans. In all honesty we are always trying to find the easy way out to please the public and make a quick "Happy Feet" crowd. Kind of like blowing the Social Security money to please SOME entities but not worrying about the problem that is coming down the road.

While I am doing some very mild venting let me say one other thing about "Looking down the Road". It looks like to me that we are heading for a day that only the rich will be able to enjoy the Fishing and Hunting in states that are in close proximity to them. Yes, I am talking about the Out of State license charges. Talk about greed and not treating fellow americans equally!?!? After all..the water flows from state to state....shouldn't people from other states have equal right and expenses to use it? And what about the $600.00 licenses to hunt in other states on FEDERAL LAND??? After all.....when we fight a war don't we fight for all the states??? Don't ALL people pay FEDERAL taxes???? There is absolutely no way in a country where NO DISCRIMINATION, EQUALITY FOR ALL, and LEAVE NO CHILD ( or other people) BEHIND that these kind of things can happen. Oops, I forgot.....greed, give a select group happy feet, get all you can get and DON'T worry about ethics ( or others).

Just in case someone would write to say that people pay certain taxes in their states that others do not pay please refrain. Many people that live in one state work and shop in another state.

I am going to stop now before I bring up the slot lengths and Bass species differentiation again.



Wow all that from someone asking if the rain raised the water levels of Stockton.

-- Jim

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. -- Doug Larson


Practicing water conservation at home & work is a great way to help with the water issues we all face. One day in the future water will be more valuable than gold, we can't survive without it......!!

If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down! :beaten:

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