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I did it, I finally purchased an Alabama Rig and fished it and fished it and fished it! Put on the water at State Park about 7:30 and fished until 4:30. Water temps are still very cold, 39 to 40 on main lake. S.W. breeze 10 to 15, bluebird skies. Out of the 9 hours I was on the water I chucked the A-Rig for 8 of those hours and man do I have a sore sholder this morning. :oh-noes: I must be crazy because I averaged 1 fish for every 2 hours I chucked that A-Rig. I ended up having 2 nice ones come unbuttoned at the boat, caught 3 keepers in the 2 to 4 pound range, and 1-14 inch one. I'm not sure if I'm sold on the A-Rig or not, it does catch quality fish but man what a grind on your body! I'm sure I will give it another try, it should get better as the water warms up some. I caught the fish on deep main lake points with wind on them.....go figure. Spring Break is next week and man I hope it warms up some, however the 7 day forecast looks horrible. Tight Lines All, Todd


I wish they would ban the A rig from all tournaments

Then they should ban trotlines.And while they are at it ban buckshot in hunting..Its just a lure!And if its a tournament.dont the fish get released anyway?


To early for the A-rig, Water needs to come up about another 10 to 15 degrees and you need to find fish working shad, that is when it shines the most. Its just another tool in the box, It was the shiney new toy at christmas last year, this year the toy has lost its luster and the kids are back to lego and lincoln logs.


Don't know about too early!? My best days on this rig were when the water was 41-43 degrees. I really think the weather up and downs have wreaked havoc on the fish

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When it's cold, the A-Rig is about the best tool in the box. But it sure is a lot like throwing out an ole coat hanger! We laugh our butts off at it, and call it "The Contraption!" As far as tourney fishing goes, just like the other guy said, it's just another lure.

But as for being a weekend warrior, the only thing that sucks more than getting skunked, is losing a $25.00 contraption on top of it.

So, I rarely use mine, only in times of desperation do I pull out my contraption. (*LOL)

One thing I do know is, all this rain will finally tip off some AWESOME CRAPPIE FISHING come Spring Time.

Stockton is the Best Crappie lake in SW MO. :have-a-nice-day:


Stockton is the Best Crappie lake in SW MO. :have-a-nice-day:

Now where would you get an idea like that. There are no, and I mean absolutely ZERO, crappie in Stockton...........LOL!

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

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Ozark Trout Runners



ducky.........you took the words right out of my wifes mouth. she tells me that all the time.



It already is in some tournaments. Wish the others would follow suit.

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ban the a-rig...its an insult to good fishermen. hell lets allow a stick of dynamite for each tourney...or even worse trolling!

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