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Started at 4:40 pm at 12 bridge and did not leave the area Finished up at 8pm. I had a special guest referee with me after 5:30 to who was in charge of measurements and releasing crappie before boating lol. Sorry Wilson trading the Crappie for a stick will be a memory I will never forget.

Anyway 28 fish caught around 9 to 12 bites we lost ( probably crappie that the hooks ripped the lips off of. Fish were 9 short walleye 5 crappie from 11 to 16'' yes that is 16 inches. and the rest were rat stripers. Lake was calm and beautiful, fish were in 25 to 35 fow and as been the pattern 140ft back with flicker shad #7's today in White.


Special Guest Ref hooked up.


Little rats were out in force.


See ya in a couple more years but they sure are healthy looking and it makes you smile.


I did say 16'' didn't I


Just a few fish on the screen :)


Cant ask for a nicer day


Man, you are really kicking my while I'm down.......You know I'm gonna get even! :have-a-nice-day:

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



It was fun being out on the lake today with Scott. I think, no I know I lost every fish that I hooked up today and I like to blame that on the fancy set-up I was using!!

Had a decent crappie on, even saw it when I started to reel in the line, somehow it came off and I had a stick on the flicker shad instead. Go figure!!!


We missed each other by not much, F&F. I launched at 9, which was too late. Hit a nice white about 10 feet into my first trolling pass, then popped a striper about 16 inches. Success dropped from there with scattered whites, some small keeper spots and a couple of nice crappie. As I moved away from the bridge area, I found most of the fish a lot deeper than I wanted to fish with the gear I had. Most of the bait and fish I marked were out at the 30-foot-plus level.

I ended up doing some exploration--headed back under the bridge and around the back side of the islands. Found a few crappie, a bluegill that should have known better, and had a couple of bites.

All fish came on a variety of crankbaits. I tried a three way rig with a minnow bait, a River Rocker and crawler harness, but there was no joy on those.

I pulled the plug at 4 and was on the road shortly thereafter.

Temps were 64 to 67 and change, depending upon location.

This is an interesting area and certainly worth fishing...


Tracker 190. Kjackson, its a great little area if you go north of 12 birdge toward Prairie Creek the area is a big flat from the bluffs to the island and can be highly productive, I would be willing to bet it should turn on this weekend. Watch out along the bluff line with the docks there are a lot of achor cables for them sticking out a ways plus a lot of new brush piles.

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