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I can't hardly watch football anymore. Seems like the ads are getting longer and more frequent, constantly interrupting the game. I think the coaches challenge/play-under-review was nothing more than a clever trick to sneak in more ad time.



Let's see... Which heavyweight champ are you talking about?

WBC - Oleg Maskaev

WBA - Nicolay Valuev

IBF & IBO - Wladimir Klitschko

WBO – Shannon Briggs

EBU - Vladimir Virchis

I think the last time I actually sat down and watched an NFL game, Dandy Don Meridith was singing "Turn out the lights.... The party's over...."

While I'm not blaming the players at all here, to me the institution of the Player's Union was the demise of pro football for me. The owners and players have lost respect for each other and the "allegiance and loyalty" of the team has disappeared. Many of the fans are the only ones loyal to the team and that's questionable at times when you look at personnel change attitudes of many fans.

Honestly, if I have a choice... Put a fly rod or rifle or shotgun in my hand as opposed to a remote, and I'm a happy camper. Offer me a free trip to the Super Bowl or an Alaskan fishing and hunting expidition, and sit back and watch me head for the 49th state.

Of course, anymore the only decent thing to watch on TV is reruns of Andy Griffith anyway....

Hey... Barney is just as funny in HiDef..... :P



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I dont enjoy watching NFL football as much as I used to. Commercial timeouts have really ruined the pace of the game, especially for those in the stands. Frankly, NFL football has become a real snore to watch so I rarely waste my time with it any more. I still enjoy a good college game though. Cheers.

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Don't worry.

Just because programming will be broadcast in HD in 2008, doesn't mean you have to watch it in HD. You can convert it down to analog.


Thursday evening games are on the NFL network. Worse than that; NFL network has the rights to several bowl games.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after." Henry David Thoreau

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I am not one for watching a great deal of television and other that a bit of CNN, MSNBC and a few science channels, the TV usually remains off. My true love on this earth is my family and the outdoors so that is where I spend all my spare time. Also I spend virtually no time watching sports on the tube (baseball tranqualizes me and never got into basketball) but the NFL is an exception.

When we built our current home, cable was not an option and prefering a clear picture we opted for a dish to provide our content. Being blessed with a wife that both loves the outdoors and football (her first love was the Jaguars-born and raised) we opted for Direct TV and the Sunday NFL ticket. We've had the "ticket" for 6 consecutive years (up near $250 a season now :angry:) but it gets my wife the Jacksonville games and it gets me every game on Sunday. As a bonus we get the NFL network but of course we were out of town on thanksgiving and had to scramble to find a resturant that carried it.

Thank the good Lord for TIVO as I can go to church and then jet down to the dam for a little fishing. As long as I don't listen to the radio and someone seeing my KC hat doesn't say "hey, what did you think about that play where..." it's as if it was LIVE and we can zip through the commercials.

The nfl network will probably be a part cable packages soon and this madness will be over--I seem to remember ESPN2 started out this way and the new College ESPN will be doing the same thing in order to get new subscribers.

Although cable is now available to me (love the HSI) we have stuck to the DirectTV and would recomend it to everyone--if you have any problems, the customer service is second to none (they've won the JD Powers award for many years) and I wish ALL customer service centers were like this.

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