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I get up this morning, check the weather report on Weather.com and watch the radar. Forecast says no rain south of I-44, radar doesn't show any rain except north of 44. Make the drive over, fish about an hour and a half, and in comes the rain. Rained off and on, mostly on, for the rest of the morning. Heavy rain with some lightning. Got tired of hiding in dock stalls or in my truck, called it quits at 11 AM. There was a decent topwater bite whenever there was a 10 minute window in between downpours, also picked a few up swimming a Keitech. Nothing of any size however.


Thanks for the report. Way to take one for the team. :)



Did the same thing today at Baxter. Even checked the radar before I picked my guide trip up and the rain lookes like ir was gonna be north of us. Got to fish in between downpours and finally called it quits at 11 also. Caught several fish, just hard to schedule trips with all the storms!

OAF Contributor

Phillip Stone


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