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This story took place over a two day period some years ago. I have been accused of making it up but it actually did happen. As wild as it is.

It all started when I told a friend that I had been catching a lot of bass on points in the evening on top waters. The next day he called and said he wanted to go try it and would like to bring his preacher with him because he dud not get to fish all that much. I told him all your going to need is a rod and some kind if top top water like a tiny torpedo. I told him for them to be here about 4 pm the next afternoon. I mentioned that we would only have a productive window of about 3 hrs at the most.

WELL next evening comes along and here comes my friend and the preacher. They had a fist full of rods, tackle boxes, rain gear, and what have you like they were headed out to go camping. At that time I owned a small17 ft fish and ski and storage space was a premium.

So off we go. Were out there about 15 minutes and the preacher gets a strike. He ripped back so hard on that rod that little torpedo comes flying back like a bullet and sticks one of the hooks on the back treble in my friends arm. I pushed it through and snipped it off and they said they wanted to go on.

We fished for about another half hour and the preacher had a hard strike that really excited him and he ripped back again on that rod and sure enough that little torpedo turned into a bullet and stuck that rear hook in his own arm. I got out my pliers pushed it thru and clipped it off. And yet they still wanted to continue along with what was left of the tiny torpedo.

We fished a few more points and caught several small fish and the evening was turning out pretty nice. I pulled into this sheer rocky buff next. The preacher made a cast and and his lure broke off . Since I am deaf he wanted to be sure he got my attention. He was standing back on the corner of the boat waving his arms and pointing saying " my plug my plug ". I told him to hold on that I would back the boat down and we would retrieve it. Well I fired up my 140,tripped on all the gear laying on the floor fell on the throttle slaming it into forward sending the preacher arching into a very deep bluff hole. I start looking down in some very clear water for the preacher and all I could see was rising bubbles. Some were rsther large bubbles like someone struggling. I got really scared and said to to my friend "can he swim". He shrugged his shoulder and said in a a kind of matter of fact way " I dunno know". Thank god about that time the preacher appears rising from the depths holding his hat on his head with one hand and his shoes in the other. Kicking his way to the surface. What evening huh.??. Well the story is not finished.

My neighbor at that time was a old WWII vet over 80 years old. He did not get out on the lake much anymore but I knew from past conversations he was fond of fishing with a Devil Horse topwater. For any of you wipper snappers who might not know what the Devil Horse is, it was a twin spin top water with 3 very small treble hooks on it.

The next evening we headed down the lake making our first stop at a large point at the mouth if the Gravois Arm called Inspiration Point. It is called that because there is a large outdoor church located on it. Ham was sitting down in the the passenger seat behind the windshield tying on his Devil Horse and he dropped it into his crotch. I could see two of those tiny trebles just barely hooked into his pants. I said " ham don't dare move or you might catch more than a fish. So he is siting there legs spread and I get down there on my knees with my pointy nose pliers and work the plug loose. As soon as I got it loose I stood up

and there was about 20 people up in that church staring at us. I did not even try to explain. We just left there real fast like. I don't think I ever fished there again before I got my new boat.


lol. good one.

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