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What's the sentiment on here relative to wakes on the upper end of Taneycomo? I understand that it is Lake Taneycomo and every make and model under the sun is out there but you can at least minimize your wake and effect.

Twice on Sunday I had a gentleman charge through the area around the top boat ramp throwing a wake close and large enough for me to take on water on my river boat. I've never had a wake come close to coming over let alone make it in my boat. He was running a conservative 2/3 throttle needing a trim. I said something to him the second through time since he started his drift 50' upriver of me. He asked "what he was supposed to do" while throwing his arms in the air. He was a gentleman from then on out running as most would on the river I would imagine at the urging of his wife who was along for the ride.

It did get me thinking though how close I was to getting swamped and how many non-boater boaters there are out there. Anybody out there ever sunk a river boat due to a wake? I would imagine it would take quite a wave to get it done.

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Not sunk but we've had them come in with a lot of water in them. And guests that are wet.

Education. Have to figure out a way to educate boat owners.

I would like to make a boat safety video (in my spare time) and have it available to all who want to view it here on our dock. Show it to all who rents a boat from us.

All boat operators have to do is look back and watch what their wake is doing behind them.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Thing is its in Missouri and you cannot do anything unless you get it posted as a no wake zone. And to make matters worse boaters are not responsible for their wake.


They are if it causes damage. We have flyers at work we hand out to people, especially big boat owners about how they are responsible for their wake. These were provided by highway patrol.

No one gripes about obese fish.


Large wakes are an issue for the wading fisherman as well. Most boaters that come above number 3 outlet have a tendency to plow upstream like a wake boat on loz. If you are waist deep and in their wave path, you get your elbows wet plus knocked off balance if caught off guard. A no wake zone would work well above number three.


DYLAN if that is true it is new too me. I haves friend who is a retired Lt Col in the Missouri water patrol. He has said for a long time they are not responsible. I want to know more about that and i am going to check it out. Around here it could mean the differance between night and day.

PHIL It might pay you to contact the water patrol yourself. Maybe get your place certified as a no wake zone. I think they would do that.


Dylan i just spent some time trying to find anything saying that boaters are responsible gor there wakes in missouri with no luck. If there is a flyer as you say I want to see it. I would love to have about 100 of them.


Old Plug, Dylan is correct but it is very hard to prove "whose" large wake caused the damage and so far on Lake of the Ozarks the Water Patrol has chosen not to try and enforce this aspect of the law. Was your buddies initials LW by chance?

  • Root Admin

Dylan, I would like to see that flyer too.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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I do feel bad for you guys trying to wade on those lower flows, I was with you until buying my boat last year. It seems that every boat runs from rebar hole on up on the outlet side of the river instead of giving those waders a little room. I know the channel runs over there but there's no reason most boats can't run mid-stream at least through there.

A no wake zone would be nice up there but I think it could start at the boat ramp as opposed to outlet #3. Most of those boats would shut down there as opposed to running at low speeds the rest of the way.

When I started boating on the rivers I had several questions relative to boating etiquette specifically on tailwaters. There aren't many resources available but I did locate a great post on another regional fly fishing site that answered most of my questions. We could start a thread here with the un-spoken rules of the river to help any new/uneducated boaters out.

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