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ozark trout fisher

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Looking at that video it looks like the defender was going to try and haul down the guy (after they were out of bounds), then, instead gave him a shove. I think they should have ejected the guy, if anything as a lesson to other players that once you cross that out of bounds line the play is over.

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Looking at that video it looks like the defender was going to try and haul down the guy (after they were out of bounds), then, instead gave him a shove. I think they should have ejected the guy, if anything as a lesson to other players that once you cross that out of bounds line the play is over.

Agreed! That cr*p is not part of the game.

"Pretty soon we may not have any rights left because it might infringe on someone's rights"

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Players get hit out of bounds all the time. It happens. And if you think you can just always pull up and not hit someone like that then you are crazy. It's a rough sport and accidents happen. Either way Mizzou still loses the game.

He had a chance to pull off in that situation. I have watched the play several times and it is abundantly clear. Of course we would have still lost the game. That has nothing to do with the point.

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Guys I was impressed with the "Comeback" as much as anyone. But as I have said been there on the receiving end of it and Seen it in all classes from Peewee through Pro. I said it was a personal fowl but never seen an ejection for it Never not one time ever. Horse Collar is far more dangerous and it is only a personal foul. The ejection talk must be backed and it is not, simple as that.

I will not speculate if he had pull off time or anything else as at game speed its hard to do that, pretty easy though for arm chair officials, None of us were in the play and none of us can speak for what was in his mind but he isn't known for being dirty and I will give the benefit of the doubt that it was a bad choice and a personal foul was warranted but an ejection come on that's going a bit well a lot to far.

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Here's the rule on ejection. The guy was way out of bounds when he gave the last push, and yes I have played sports too, and I was aware when I was out of bounds. If the guy had made an effort to not administer that last hit, I'd have sympathy for his case. But he gave that cute little push that sent the player into the cart, it was deliberate no doubt about it. I'm not saying he intended to push him into the cart, but it was a deliberate cheap shot that placed that player in danger.

"By rule a flagrant personal foul is a rule infraction so extreme or deliberate that it places an opponent in danger of catastrophic injury that it results in an ejection."

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There for a moment, it looked like this thread was headed to a positive discussion of games yet to be played and coaching. Then poof ...

BTW, the comment that the Sooners have less this year than normal is deadly accurate. Still, somehow, Stoops and his staff found a way to win 10 games. I didn't think they could do it. And for their sins they have been blessed with a chance to play one of the very best. Frankly, they have more chance of beating Missouri than they do of beating Alabama. I am a Sooner fan, but this might not be the year to brag in advance.

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I could see Alabama not wanting to be there in the Sugar Bowl and opening the door for a Sooners win. Bowl games have as much to do with motivation as talent, and Oklahoma has to be incredibly excited to be in the BCS while Alabama could still be regretting the Auburn game.

If Alabama is fully engaged, they probably win by a couple touchdowns, but I wouldn't count on it. Remember Utah a few years ago. Same with Ohio State against Clemson. Both teams are pretty disappointed to be in the Orange bowl given their preseason/midseason expectations but especially OSU. Of course both teams in the Cotton Bowl will have to get past devastating losses in the last week of the season, as well. Whoever does a better job of that probably wins, because Missouri and Oklahoma State are almost dead even in most respects.

I just think analyzing bowl games is different from regular season matchups. Coaching is so much bigger because motivation isn't as obvious (outside of the title game) and players have a lot of time to either improve on defiencies or get rusty. And teams with weird systems like Auburn are at a disadvantage, because Jimbo Fisher basically has a month to figure out that offense. It's a much harder task when you have Johnny Football to prepare for the week before. Not that I'm making any excuses for the way our defense was shredded, but that did make it a challenge.

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Bama's dobbers may be down but it's possible they may want to prove the Auburn loss was a freak deal.The MU OSU game should be explosive and exciting to watch. Good thing it's not for a couple weks. The Auburn MU game was explosive enough for a while.

"Pretty soon we may not have any rights left because it might infringe on someone's rights"

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There for a moment, it looked like this thread was headed to a positive diwscussion of games yet to be played and coaching. Then poof ...

BTW, the comment that the Sooners have less this year than normal is deadly accurate. Still, somehow, Stoops and his staff found a way to win 10 games. I didn't think they could do it. And for their sins they have been blessed with a chance to play one of the very best. Frankly, they have more chance of beating Missouri than they do of beating Alabama. I am a Sooner fan, but this might not be the year to brag in advance.

C'mon you know it's all about Sooner Magic. :D

At the risk of being a conspiracy theorist, could Saban have influenced the committee to bring in OK in order to see how Stoops coaches? That way when he goes to TX he won't be in the dark? :lol:

Bowl games for players are rewards, but for fans they all to often don't answer questions that beg answers. The Cotton bowl will. Is Missouri really that much better now, or are they the same team with a great team who would have run the Big 12 also, but not run over it. OSU is a geed representative of the best of today's Big 12. Personally I think it's the best match-up of the bowl season.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.

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I agree the MU/OSU is a great matchup.I expect it to be intense with all the SEC/big 12 hoopla.

I think bama beats OU, and I could totally see Saban going to Texas.

The hit on josey was dirty. I thought it might result in an ejection as soon as I saw it.

I was worried that Auburn would shred us like they did and was dissapointed in the result. If i am the steckel you have to adjust...it is not like it could have gotten any worse...at least try something anything. All they really needed was a stop or two to have a chance at the end.

DGB has finally arrived. He looked great IMO.

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