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I just moved to the aunts creek area. Never fished table rock before. Where is a good place to fish for crappie and white bass in the spring? I want to get a game plan down for this spring. Thank you


I don't fish for crappie or whites down that far, but I am sure you could find crappie in Aunts creek. Whites might be a different story. The closest place from there I am familiar with would be to run up James river. Depending on the conditions (time of year, temp, water level, etc), I personally would start around Bridgeport and work my way up river. I have caught whites right out in front of Cape Fair Marina, so it just depends on where you are confident fishing.

You might steer clear of that area starting March 15, that's the opening day of spoonbill season (imagine a trout park opener, but with boats and grab hooks)

Remember - If at first you DO succeed, try not to act surprised & quit while you're ahead.


You never know about the whites. I have found a mother load of them in the dam area spawning last year in just a little cove right off the main lake. It's all in the timing in my opinion


Nothing to see there.... Move along. Don't even think about a smoke swimming minnow or slider in pearl up past point 15. Nothing but paddlefish and carp up that way....

Angler At Law

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