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After a great day last Saturday could not wait to get on the water today. Made it on the water by 10:45 Started on flat upstream of Bridge at Bridgeport nothing, 30 minutes of that and moved to flat in the mouth of Flat Creek Past pt 15, past both docks on the right fished flat on left. Caught 7 keeper crappie and 4 or 5 throw backs in 4 hours and 2 big Whiteys. Met a nice couple just moved here from Colorado who read Ducks post I added to, and they thought they would give it a try. They were fishing differently but having about the same success slow but some fish around. Left that went up Flat caught a 13 inch first stroll just before the Flat creek bridge 15 FOW then nothing for 30 minutes. Threw the rig for 15 minutes nothing didn't like the look so headed up the creek caught 1 small whitey in 30 minutes got out of there. Headed back to The flat in the mouth and it was on immediately. My new friends slid up to see how I did upstream and I told them no go for me but by the time they were beside me I had caught 5 fish in 10 minutes.3 keeper crappie all 12 inches, 1 throwback and a 3 lb 1 oz whitey. Chatted with them and told them what my technique was and got to know each other hope to see them again. They took off and I wished they hadn't because til dark I filled out my crappie limit and threw back about another 7 or 8.. Caught 5 giant whiteys all pushing 3 lbs and biggest weighed 3~1 on my digital scale. only caught 1 on the A`rig but honestly didn't give it the try I would have liked but strolling for Crappie stayed red hot. Fish were in the gut from the little indention and strolling perpendicular to the shore in 12 FOW only would stroll out to 20 FOW and turn around. Stay in gut fish on the whole time get blown out of gut and nothing. Strolling #5 Flickershads Slick Purple Candy was the color, with Perch (that they do not make anymore) coming in a close second trolling with trolling motor about 1 mph running offerings back about 60 ft tipped road runners spotty so far both trips. Hitting it again tomorrow. Decided I should post good info since I have benefitted from so many of the posts on here. Good luck to all hope to see you on the water! Sorry for typos just cleaned Crappie fried a few up and sat down exhausted but wanted to get this out there .


Great report! Glad you got on them. Those crappie can be pretty finicky. On one minute then off the next. Thanks for sharing.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

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Ozark Trout Runners



Great report! Those fish seem to get active right before dark.

  • Root Admin

Really appreciate you posting!

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I am glad the fishing turned around some, We fished wed evening in that area not much luck 3 crappie (one short) one small white ,Then yesterday 10:00 to 2:00 , One nice crappie off some pole timber in peach orchard cove , marked some fish in the deeper water outside of the cove along bluff but no takers. We stayed at flat creek resort very nice folks great food good rooms

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