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I went up about every weekend at end of march of beginning of Apirl and never really found them or got into them, caught a couple sows here and there and a bunch of tiny males but from me going down and what people have said on here and I talked to a buddy who won a bass tourny on stockton last sunday and he said he caught a bunch of whites that still had eggs, so im hoping maybe this weekend ill get into them so if anyone has any info or help they wanna through out I will gladly except thanks

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I caught my first good sized stringer on Mar 11, then nothing for a few weeks, but pretty much all of Apr. I caught a limit whenever I chased them. Apr 12, 26, 28, all nice limits w/ several 16" sows.

I have not tried them again since the 28th of Apr. This year was pretty tough with the lack of rain, but those three trips I made were all soon after rain. The rivers only came up a few inches, but it seemed to make a difference.

I've been hearing of decent catches of whites trolling in the lake for the last week, so I'm guessing that many of them have left the rivers.


From my observations over there this year, it was a very strange year. Finally about the 10th or so of April I starting catching my limit everytime I went but I HAD to go above Taylor. I saw a few fish on stringers there at the bridge but each time I went above the bridge and seemed to do pretty well. I even had a limit as recently as last Monday the 5th but I haven't been back since then. I have a buddy that I don't see very often anymore that is in town for a few days so we are going to try and brave the rain this afternoon and see if we can catch a few. I'll be sure and report if we end up going.


Just got back from the river... Got to fish for a couple hours in the rain tonight and didn't do too bad actually. I had 13 keepers and my buddy had 7 (threw back prolly 15-20 little bitty males) If the water hadn't of come up a foot and a half in about 20 minutes I probably could have finished my limit before dark. But all in all not too bad of a fishing trip.

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