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The folks that load the boat share info to help others. The people that don't load the boat, do not post. The bass tournament guys keep their secrests just that.......secret. There is a small hand full that can catch a 20lb bag consistently. They don't tell anything to their friends much less on a public forum.

Thus the few that troll share info. To help others that are just starting or frustrated with not catching fish consistently.

Trolling by the way is not throwing a bait overboard and dragging it around randomly hoping some poor fish will get fooled. It's a methodical and precise method of commercial fishing. They have books written documenting methodologies and tactics. It's not cheating or easy. It's the same as "long lining" crankbaits in tournaments. Except the boat is in motion creating presentation.

The day bass tournament guys start posting information here..... .I will be proud and excited because they stop being secretive and start openly sharing and teach beginners.

When my new boat gets here in June, I'm on a mission for big bass. To post pics and share every secret I can. Name spots, heck I'll provide coordinates just to watch fools crowd a spot knowing the fish will be gone within 12hrs or less.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


In the last week, I've been approached on the lake and thanked for sharing my info. Someone recognized me from the forum and I take that as an extreme compliment and I'm humbled and proud.

So many read here but do not post. I encourage others to share info about ANY species. There are the occassional catfish threads and white bass threads but bass seems to be secretive and rare. Not because of the population, but because of not sharing info. Everyone wants a honey hole or hot bait tactic for themselves. It's over 30k acres folks. There are lots of bass.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


This Beaver Lake channel of the forum is pretty much all about trolling, John.

Last year I bought a Merc 9.9 four stroke to troll with. Hope to get some use of it this year.


James, versatility is the trademark of a good fisherman. In any given day I will probably use at least 3 if not more methods. Trolling is but one and is dictated by the species and the conditions just like any other type of fishing is.

It is actually a real good feeling when I see someone tell me that my reports have helped, it is even better seeing other members reports help others catch fish. That is what this forum really should be about HELPING others with Baits, Locations, Times, Conditions and answering questions to help both new and old comers catch more fish and enjoy the day. A funny side effect of helping others is they return the favor often times building lasting friendships. Even more helpful is when you are on the water those relationships can help turn a bust in to a day of plenty with a simple text or phone call.

I actually have gone back and read the reports the last few months from various posters to the Beaver Lake Section and have found numerous methods used and discussed. Yet just like in the striper thread you again make a statement with simple checking proves to not be the fact. It’s like you just have to jump in a thread to try and stir the pot.

How about taking some time away from those “great bass lakes” of Grand and Tablerock and spend some time on Beaver and then post some bass reports with detailed information on where you fished and what and the style and technique used to help others figure out a very tough lake. I personally do not bass fish that often as I do enjoy targeting multiple species and it seems you really do enjoy bass fishing and your insight could be very helpful to others if you would take the time to do it and share it.

There is certainly a lacking in Bass fishing reports in the Beaver Lake section. I believe it is from a few different reasons. First is tournament anglers do not like to divulge anything! They could be catching them in an outhouse and still not tell. Second is Beaver really lends itself to multiple species which people find appealing and third is it is a tough bass lake but I believe it is tough for people because no one wants to discuss it and report on it, see reason #1. It would be nice to have reports but you need people who Bass fish to make the reports happen. You bass fish so how about it?

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John F52 It is not that bad out there really at the 12 bridge area. I have a Carolina Skiff with 15" sides and in the 18-19mph winds we had the other day, I never one felt threatened at all. The hardest part was, that high of wind, really slows my boat down to a crawl with the electric motor. But when you throw in the wake boats, you will be doing the 2-3 and even the 4 step dance on the bow :we-all-gonna-die: LOL

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I really enjoy this forum. This is my first post. I finally caught my first walleye today - a 20". We caught 4 and 1 white in the evening around point 8, trolling around 16 fow.


Welcome Ranger40! Glad to have you join us.

Please post as much as you would like. The purpose of this forun is to share info with others and help each other. I know that's how Phil wants it. (Phil Liley)

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


Please I beg everyone keep the whites!

Morning started off FOGGY which made trolling to dangerous IMO, so I went with the spider rig and jigging spoon, caught a bunch of small whites and a few buck crappie. After the fog burned off it was next to impossible to get through the whites anything from " I cant believe you ate my bait small to You would go home accept I want crappie ". 12 Bridge, Beaver Shores and the Islands were sacked in with them. I did manage to pick off a few crappie and walleye for dinner but it was tough getting through the whites.


I saw you on the water this morning but I was not certain it was you. I was in the small bass boat (1990 Charger). I should have introduced myself to you. Thanks for all you share. You turned me onto trolling last year and I have loved it ever since. I am major novice and I do not get to fish very often but when I do I am always reading your reports the night before making my plans.

As to my day I had to be off by 10 am and I had battery problems so not much fishing time but as you said the whites were plentiful. I ended the morning with 3 whites and 3 crappie. I thought I had more because it seemed I was catching them every few minutes but I threw back several crappie that where too small and several small stripers but that is what I cleaned and by now have eaten. Yum! It was a great morning for me. I keep hoping for some walleye but those are few and far between for me.


Like F&F and Jdoc said, we go out fishing to have fun and maybe get a meal or two out of it. I don't think it is wrong, at least the laws says it's not. I know there are people love to bass fishing(black bass) and I think it's great, but I could tell you I hate catchin them, I would rather get a white because they fight good for their size or wally. And sure people would say well, you are not a true fisherman unless you are targeting bass, but I could care less about black bass. As far as trolling goes. if you never done it, don't comment on it, it's harder than you think. We are here trying to get people on the fish and I'm sure that some people do appreciate what F & F and JDOC have done to help them land more fish.

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