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Plus, it is the in vogue thing to do. I saw a target commercial last night where they donated money to an inner city garden to promote better nutrition.

I grow a garden because it takes up space in the yard and I have less grass to mow. Mowing grass is a total waste of productive time each week.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson


I didn't know it was Vogue! Heck I have been growing gardens all my life, I use to love helping my grandfather with his and when he wasn't looking I would pop out a radish and eat it fast. Those dam things always made me tell on myself after though BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPP.

Then again I do put peanuts in my coke too.


Yeah, there's the whole farm-to-table movement, CSA's, heirlooms, farmer's markets, and even the preppers.

Some of what I grow is readily available elsewhere. But, the flavor, freshness and varieties are not. You can't buy a tomato that matches the taste of one from your back yard. The varieties available to a home gardener dwarf the measly selection at the store. If you saw the pics of my garden in the other thread, you can tell I'm not cranking out produce in quantities big enough to reduce the grocery bill by much. I mostly do it for the fun and satisfaction of it.



I don't know Ness, I used up the last of last years gardens in April this year I had stored up and about freaked out when I saw the cost for Green Beans and Peppers and everytime I see the price on Walnuts and Pecans I just shake my head. If I was to buy the stuff we ( can, dehydrate, roast and freeze) for storage each year I would have to guess I save at least a few hundred a year just guessing. Aint no store bought Jam or Jelly better than fresh picked and no way are the nuts as good.


I just meant *I* don't grow enough to make too big a dent in our grocery bill -- most of it's for fresh eating. But, come to think of it -- I've got some beans in the freezer from last year and some Strawberry/Gooseberry freezer jam too.



Ya I thought I didn't do enough with my little garden either until I realized how much I actually have that I grew. It was eye opening when I was looking at some of my custom spice mixes I make and how long they last vs paying for spice's. And then seeing the numerous canned vegies we had and even frozen ones. Now if only we could grow Blood Oranges here <sigh>.


Then again I do put peanuts in my coke too.

I didn't think anyone did that anymore besides me. I've gotten odd looks from who have never tried it


My maternal grandparents were off the farm and they always had a big garden. After they got older they quit canning, but they would fill a big chest freezer full by September. It didn't help that grandma thought she had to feed any of 16 grand kids that dropped by.

I don't know if it helped, but it didn't hurt because they both lived to be 91.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


peanuts in coke, that brings back thoughts of my childhood days!! but i quit drinking coke 45 years ago !

probably still be doing it if i drank coke.

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