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I rode shotgun with Feathers&Fins yesterday morning (early). When he says "meet me at 4:30" he means it. I was getting a call to let me know he was rolling out of the driveway straight-up 4:40. Ole Jolicious could never fish with F&F!!! Bahahahaha (inside joke.......Joe is always late by 30-60mins)

We fished the lake straight away just as the sun rose.


We drug bottom bouncers around on water as still as a piece of glass for quite a while. Watching carp and gar do aerobatic surface activity as well as a few white bass. After the sun rose, we couldn't take the "skunk" in the boat and tried crappie jigs to see what these fish were we found on the sonar. No bites. Not even a nibble Not even with the sure fire thing "spoon". So.....we tried trolling the Flickers eventually and on rare occassions would catch a few.

I (being consistent on my perch-pattern) catch two nice frying pan sized sun perch on the worm harness using the bottom bouncers. The second fish was lucky he went back into the lake to swim another day. If I could have caught a mess of those, I would have kept them. They were just the right size for a fryer.

LET THE RECORD SHOW..............I was up by 2 and F&F by "0".

(it didn't last long but it felt good while it lasted).

Then he caught a hybrid or small striper. (I forget which)

Then he eventually caught a small walleye trolling, another white, and the last fish of the day on the way to the ramp was a lone crappie about 10". He was THE LUCKIEST crappie I've ever seen because he went back into the lake insteal of the all-feared livewell. One of the few crappie I've seen him throw back. We were done for the day and with no fish in the livewell (that's a first for me in a long time), we called it a day.

We found fish all suspened in the 20ft range and some active feeding fish from 25-30ft. The amount of bait that had moved in was rather odd. So the fish were locked in with that one forage and did not want the nightcrawlers on the worm harness. We drug through them many times.

I (we) totally blame the wake boat activity as F&F has been on these fish all week and has caught many of them. They all moved out deeper and once the bait moved in, they were locked and fed on a constant food source. Like a bunch of couch potatoes eating chips and snacks all day.


I left the ice chest at home and I caught fish this trip. NEVER will the ice chest be brought in preparation for a good catch. For me.......it's bad ju-ju. Don't know why but I proved it's bad luck for me. lol!

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


It's not the chest itself. I think it's the arrogance of me believing I'll be needing one. :-)

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


I have always enjoyed the true, honest, we did crappy fishing reports than the I caught the crap out of them posts. Thanks guys.


Well I noticed someone wasn't "Johnny-on-the-spot" ready to post this report. So I did it!! Lol!!!

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


My day today does not deserve a post of its own. I caught three keeper spots and two large bluegill in 7 hours of walleye fishing. My ice chest wasn't needed.


Doc, you're a month behind. Does that mean you have to wait another month or so to get your new boat!!!


Ok, so one of us is a month behind.... Just sayin "Fishing Report 060514"

Must have been an afternoon bite. But you never know till you go. Maybe we are starting to clean the lake of the big eyed boogers. :)

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