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Ok but where is it supposed to be marked? On the line that's under water? On the tree? Which end of the line if it needs to be tagged on the line? What if you hang on a trottline near one end, are you going to run the entire line just to see if you find a tag??? Would you want to be caught running a tagged line?

I'm totally against abandoned lines of all types but some things need to be clarified if a guy is going to play the legal card to justify cutting a line. Believe me I get just as frustrated hanging into one.

I am no warden but logic would dictate at least on one end of a trot line and on all buoys. No different than on a stringer it must be marked. If I was doing it I would have it marked on both ends of the line so the CO would only need to look at where the line is attached.

The law is clear the tag must be made of "durable metal" on trot, limb, throw lines and on jugs it must be on the jug. I don't think its hard to understand that. Again those are Missouri regs Arkansas is different.

How do you avoid getting them cut or picked up? Well with Jug lines you shouldn't have the problem as the law requires you monitor them. Trot Lines I would probably do the same thing but if I did leave them I would attach a buoy to them with the info and have one at each end and one in the middle. Though this may not keep them from getting cut it might help. When they get cut is when they are not marked and a angler of any type snags one and pulls it in or looses a bait on it.

Cooperation between all anglers would go a long way and doing your best to show a line is set and not hidden would probably keep people from hanging up on them and prevent ethical anglers from casting on them and then getting mad and cutting them, though im sure some less than ethical people will still do it and to that the solution is to monitor them from nearby.

In all honesty I would like to see the law changed that they must be monitored at all times and removed when you leave or if you have to leave.

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In all honesty I would like to see the law changed that they must be monitored at all times and removed when you leave or if you have to leave.

I agree with you...same goes for deer hunters who hang a stand on public land and only hunt one weekend out of the entire season but leave their stands up Sept. - Jan. They must be labeled in the same manner as well.


Cooperation between all anglers would go a long way and doing your best to show a line is set and not hidden would probably keep people from hanging up on them and prevent ethical anglers from casting on them and then getting mad and cutting them, though im sure some less than ethical people will still do it and to that the solution is to monitor them from nearby.

This is the point of my postings. We get upset over wake boats but there is nothing we can do about it. They do their thing we do ours and we would each be happier without the other. On the other hand, as a group of anglers we can work things out to make it better for all. Just because a practice is legal doesn't mean it is ethical or considerate of others. I ask these questions for knowledge. I don't want to screw up a day on the water for someone else because of my activities.

I do, however, have to disagree on your opinion of not being able to leave a trot or jug line. I do think we need additions to the code as to labeling and marking of them, although the ones practicing illegal activities won't change.

Earl Stuart

fishin is livin


Stuart here is my major argument to leaving them.

A; Unattended lines pose a hazard to watercraft as they can easily especially on windy days or nights be missed then hit and damage the props of boats.

B; They pose a very real danger to people using the water in a skier or tuber or jet skier could be seriously injured by them or worse entangled in the line and killed.

C; They are a danger to the public and to property when left unattended and to the wildlife in that the struggling of the fish is inhumane as it is the responsibility of outdoorsmen to insure a swift dispatch of the game. I have also seen other wildlife snagged on them such as turtles ( way to small to eat ) Herons who speared the bait then fowl hooked themselves and several coons and minks. Though not common it happens.

The real possibility of damaging to property or life and limb is there and I see no reason that conservation departments cannot take the simple step to require they be monitored during use. I am not saying illegalize them im saying require they be attended is all for safety of the public and for the ethics toward game.


If you use clips you are just using a small portion of the lake, no more than a boat anchored or a dock.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


I see a lot of lines without identification. I don't touch other peoples stuff. If I see a line out there I don't cast in that direction, so I have never lost a lure to one. There are 46,000 acres on TR, I can always find water which holds fish and is clear of lines (well not always!). That does not mean I don't get frustrated when I see illegal stuff. Im out to have a good time and don't waste my energy on other peoples illegal activity. Fishing for me is a place of refuge and an opportunity to refresh my thoughts. I do understand those who feel they must cut the line, it is a natural reaction. I just choose to avoid the negative thoughts while fishing.

Do you send money when you see the diseased puppies or the kids with flies in there eyes crying on TV? Its only 35 cents a day, how much extra to you give the lake you use every weekend or day? Those fish are like dead puppies on chains, or kids slowly dilapidating! That might be overboard but I never see anyone stop to pick up a floating piece of trash or remove lines lined to trees that are just a hazard, but no one can say that about me, I even remove floating hazards over to the shoreline, especially if I'm coming back through that way at night.


Is a shot across the bow considered appropriate?

And a 2lb weight on a 2 liter bottle isn't going to be anchored very long once a fish grabs it.

So you think shooting someone is the appropriate way to handle someone picking up a pretention trash in the water? Weather I'm canoeing or boating I try to come back to the landing with more then I started with. Do you really think that someone would attempt to steal a non-moving jug that is sitting solo, or are they just picking up trash - or in a trotlines case they are hung up on the line and attempting to retrieve their bait.? I've ran lines my whole life, but only tossed jugs for a few years- I've never had an issue with anyone stealing or bothering any of my equipment. The reason I quoted this post- Really? Really? Shooting over a moving boat, do you really need to ask if that's a good idea- oh and if you do please tell me you didn't bred.


You need to relax Francis. I was a joke. All you do is act like an asshat.

Yes I did breed and all 3 of my daughters are more intelligent than you.

Yes we know you are perfect. You tell us all over and over and over again.




F&F, I see your points and all of them are valid and hard to argue. The only counterpoint I can express is that if the marking laws were a little better they would be easy to see and avoid. If you had a 25' trot line maybe it should be marked at both ends and the middle with a reflective buoy (something like a 2 liter bottle with reflective tape) and go on to say that every 25' requires three markers. I know some would argue that would cause them to get stolen but anything can be stolen. You can't legislate morality or ethical behavior. I get most of my advice from my brother in-law on jugging and trot lines. One thing he is very adamant about is that in hot weather, like we are predicted to have this week, those lines have to be checked at least every hour during the day and at least every two hours at night or the fish will not survive. That's one reason I only put them out in spring and fall and usually only at night. I tend to get sidetracked during the day.

And, by the way, thanks for keeping this site up and running. I get very valuable advice from all the folks here and hopefully I will be able to give some once I get a little better at all this stuff.

Earl Stuart

fishin is livin


here is link to an article from the mdc magazine discussing trot lines. if you read, it clearly states open water lines have to be marked with a buoy on at least one end besides being clearly marked with your id and license number. so, you you have a bank line that just dead ends on the bottom, you would not need a float to identify the line. lines that start off the bank and end off the bank are required to have a marker float on at least on end.

it is very easy to spot a line that is tied up on the bank, and easy to avoid. lines that originate off the bank and are set at or below the water level are not easily seen and can not be avoided. they are also a danger to anyone that might be in the water.



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