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Decided to make a quick trip yesterday after lunch as it seemed the wind was starting to lay. Close to point 12 I was marking huge shad schools at 20 to 30 fow over the channel. Occasionally a ball of shad right on the bottom in 50-60 fow. Dropped one downrigger to 31' and the second to 22' both with redfins. Put out two more flat lines with a lure around 10' and another at 15'. Got a hit on the rigger running at 31'. Lost the striper at the boat...I would guess maybe 10 pounds so nothing special.

Adjusted depth of my lines to more closely cover the 30' depth range. About that time the wind swung out of the north and that Yankee cold sent me back to the dock.

Making Beaver Lake safe for all the little fish...one striper at a time.


For crappie, Bandit 300's. Walleye will pounce on them also, and so will the annoying bass.

With PRADCO purchasing Bandit, I'm guessing pre-PRADCO Bandits will now be premium priced! May have to look into getting a few before that happens.

I'm hoping to get out this week, but with two trips to Rogers in the offing and some work that must be done (as well as some work that should be done), I don't know if that will happen. I'd like to get out with downriggers and give some of the baits like the Redfin a try. I do have more than I'll ever use, and again, it's a thinning-the-herd thing. I've played a bit with Rapala's BX Minnow, and think that could become a standard downrigger hardbait. That thing swims like a fish...Caught a ton of ladyfish on it when I fished out of Venice as well as a couple of jacks and one or two redfish.

Thanks for the report LarryC...that looked like a good, short trip.


I ventured out to that area also yesterday but the waves were rolling north east and splashing over the bow so I didn't even drop a bait. Never really searched the area. Tried to fish a cove and it was windy even in the coves. So I headed north of Hickory. Found some later when the wind died down but nothing would bite what I was offering. Picked up a largemouth later. Very windy day.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!



Just when I thought I had enough baits. There goes another box in the boat.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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