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A blessed Marry Christmas to all. What a great form Ozark Anglers. I'm just an old 90 year old who was bored here in Springfield and have seen so much, good and bad. But this form is the best.We have two of the most beautifuf lakes in the world. God gave us this so less take care of them. I was here and saw both lakes constructed. Table Rock almost flooded out while under constructon and as we stood on the Stockton dam after it was constructed someone ask when it would fill. Well the next spring it was full and has never been any fuller. Just an old man who lkes to talk about memories.

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Merry Christmas Jim!

You have been blessed to live in the Springfield area all these years. I was born in sotheast Missouri, moved away, and will be retiring to Oakland, Arkansas soon. The Ozarks is indeed a beautiful expression of the handiwork of God.

Are you able to fish often? I am curious about the fishing in the opening days at Table Rock. Where I grew up they built a small lake of around 300 acres. When it first opened you could catch a 1 pound bass on every cast. It took a while for them to wise up. Was there a similar period at Table Rock or Stockton?


"God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him." Otto Davis

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Merry Christmas Jim!

You have been blessed to live in the Springfield area all these years. I was born in sotheast Missouri, moved away, and will be retiring to Oakland, Arkansas soon. The Ozarks is indeed a beautiful expression of the handiwork of God.

Are you able to fish often? I am curious about the fishing in the opening days at Table Rock. Where I grew up they built a small lake of around 300 acres. When it first opened you could catch a 1 pound bass on every cast. It took a while for them to wise up. Was there a similar period at Table Rock or Stockton?


Merry Christmas Jim!

You have been blessed to live in the Springfield area all these years. I was born in sotheast Missouri, moved away, and will be retiring to Oakland, Arkansas soon. The Ozarks is indeed a beautiful expression of the handiwork of God.

Are you able to fish often? I am curious about the fishing in the opening days at Table Rock. Where I grew up they built a small lake of around 300 acres. When it first opened you could catch a 1 pound bass on every cast. It took a while for them to wise up. Was there a similar period at Table Rock or Stockton?


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Joe: You are almost in Mo, where did you live in southeast. In the begining I fished in the Capefair area with a great guy from Lockwood and with us it was mostly crappie. Orvile alway had to find the hardwood trees to cathch crappie. I never did figure that out ,, a few bass but never anything over about a pound. Stockton was stocked with walleye and there was no limit on any thing for a long time so people took buckets of all kind of fish.. This wasn't good because it took some time before the fishing got better. I have a nitro boat and fish as much as I can and play senior golf. H a blessed Christmas and I hope to see you on the lake. Jim


A blessed Marry Christmas to all. What a great form Ozark Anglers. I'm just an old 90 year old who was bored here in Springfield and have seen so much, good and bad. But this form is the best.We have two of the most beautifuf lakes in the world. God gave us this so less take care of them. I was here and saw both lakes constructed. Table Rock almost flooded out while under constructon and as we stood on the Stockton dam after it was constructed someone ask when it would fill. Well the next spring it was full and has never been any fuller. Just an old man who lkes to talk about memories.

I'd love to here stories about the early lake and pre flood time of the lakes. I'm fascinated by the local history.

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Joe: You are almost in Mo, where did you live in southeast. In the begining I fished in the Capefair area with a great guy from Lockwood and with us it was mostly crappie. Orvile alway had to find the hardwood trees to cathch crappie. I never did figure that out ,, a few bass but never anything over about a pound. Stockton was stocked with walleye and there was no limit on any thing for a long time so people took buckets of all kind of fish.. This wasn't good because it took some time before the fishing got better. I have a nitro boat and fish as much as I can and play senior golf. H a blessed Christmas and I hope to see you on the lake. Jim

Jim, I grew up and spent the first 20 plus years of my life in Leopold, MO. A small immigrant community of farmers about 30 miles west of Cape Girardeau. The town was settled in 1856 by German-Dutch Catholic families. A great place to grow up with hard working, honest people.

There were no nearby lakes and only one small fishable creek. All the farmers had ponds stocked with bass and bluegill. So pond fishing was our best option. The nearest lake was then Duck Creek Lake in the Mingo Wildlife Refuge. A great bass lake at one time, but it was overtaken by moss and lillies. For years bass fisherman would use a lure called Moss King. It was a large, leaf shaped wooden spoon lure. It was about the size of a maple leaf, oblong, with a rubber skirt and a single upturned hook in back. It was fished on top, and into the moss openings, in topwater fashion. The bass would nail it, take it down and get tangled in moss. With heavy line you would hold on tight, boat over and pull up both the bass and a shovel load of moss. The lake was a very good crappie and catfish lake. We never had a boat to fish, but I had a cousin who caught bass up to 9 pounds there.

One unusual fish of choice was the grinnel (Bowfin), We would catch them in the drainage ditches at Mingo Wildlife with cut bait or shrimp. The ditches were full of tree stumps so you had to horse the fish in before it wrapped your line on a tree. Any angler who has caught one knows the grinnel can fight. When one was hooked it took a stiff rod, a stout reel, and strong line to pull them in. Most people consider the Bowfin junk fish, but if properly cared for they are quite good to eat. They have a hard mouth so the hook must be set with authority. I remember one trip when I lost the first few fish when the hook came loose. With the next fish I was determined to drive it in. The fish made a run and I set the hook with all my strength. Well, I set the hook, but also yanked the fish plum out of the water, over my head, and onto the bank behind me. The 2 pounder did not have a chance. Took it a little easier after than.

After getting married and moving away I fished very little. My wife, who also grew up fishing. loves to fish as well. We have built a home on Bull Shoals and fish there and in the White River when down from Carbondale, Illinois. After I retire we will have many more chances to fish. I look forward to learning the lake and river and fooling lots of fish.

If you are inclined to write, it would be very interesting to hear more of your fishing history and the history of the lakes. I am sure not everyone was pleased to sell their farms to the government for Table Rock Lake. I, like 5ites, would love to hear some stories of the area before the lake and how the lake changed things. One of my favorite books is Life in the Leatherwoods by John Quicy Wolf. This is a must reed for anyone interested in White River history. Mr Wolf was a gifted writer and his stories will leave you in stitches laughing. If you want a book you cannot put down, give it a try.

It is good to hear from you and it would be great to hear more of your 90 years in God's Country. The times have changed so much and persons my age (66) love to remember the days of coal oil lamps, popcorn and pinochle evenings, and horse and wagon travel.


"God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him." Otto Davis


My father, a great man who finally lost his battle with pulminary fibrosis in October, could tell great stories about the early days of Tablerock. He worked with my uncle running dozers clearing land around Shell Knob before the river was dammed up. He had tons of stories that I had heard a thousand times, but now wish I could hear them one more time. One story that stands out was when they were dozing down toward Baxter (I think the lake had been dammed by this point), they would take a boat from my uncles place on Turkey Mountain to work every day. They would work all day, then take turns water skiing back home after dark! When the got home, they fished for just a little while with a Lew's grape worm, and caught an 7lb 11oz bass....each! I have the photo of the twin bass caught less than 50 feet apart.

I am not trying to hi-jack the thread, just wanted to take a moment to remember my dad, and to remind everyone to cherish the stories from this generation of folks, they wont be around forever.

I cannot do these stories justice becuase I didn't experince them personally, so I just touched on the high-lights. That is where the magic comes from, in hearing it from someone who was there. They know the smells, the sounds, the details that cannot be written in text.


I tip my hat to you sir, purely out of respect for your experience and knowledge gained over a lifetime. I would love to read anything you might have to say about our local ozark history and your interactions with it.

Remember - If at first you DO succeed, try not to act surprised & quit while you're ahead.


Jim, so glad to have you here on the forum. I only hope that if I live to see 90, I will still be able to fish and golf. The fact that you still do both is a testament to your will not only to live, but to live actively. God bless you this Christmas and in the coming year.



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They would work all day, then take turns water skiing back home after dark! When the got home, they fished for just a little while with a Lew's grape worm, and caught an 7lb 11oz bass....each! I have the photo of the twin bass caught less than 50 feet apart.

I enjoyed your stroy. Thanks for sharing it. Wow, two giant bass in one day. There is nothing like catching a large bass on a slow fished worm. They must have been elated! Too bad one wasn't one oz larger for bragging rights. Could you post the photo?

I'm curious about what your Dad and Uncle thought about the lake project. Around 1990 a 7,700 acre Mo. lake was proposed for the Whitewater River in Cape and Bollinger Counties. A referrundum vote was held and many voters were suspicious that the real intention was to create a new tax. The proposal was voted down. Too bad, a lake could have been great for the area and the Federal government may have funded most of the cost.


"God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him." Otto Davis

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